(Sabo x Chubby! Reader) Perfection PT. 1

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You are part of the rebellion. Dragon's rebellion of course. You were just like everyone else. The only difference being you were more of an assistant and combat is not your greatest quality. Luckily your strength is the only thing of use. Sadly you hated that thought. It made you feel fat, low esteemed, ashamed and so many negative things which you thought about yourself. Sure you were pudgy but you were beautiful. You had yet to see it for yourself. It's like you were waiting for someone to point it out to confirm yourself about how lovely you are. You hoped that one person to acknowledge you regardless of your weight. That same person being Sabo. Oh how you adored his care free aura. His positive influence and pep talks. He is such a wise man who's eyes you could gaze into all day as he blabbers on. Not to mention his husky voice and the constant work outs to keep himself fit. To you here is more than a perfect leader. Sabo is your crush, yet you felt he could never see you the way you see him.

Your cheeks turned rosy as you stare in the distance, dazed about your chief; whom is currently sitting down before you in conference with Dragon. It was nothing serious more like letting Dragon know of the information they have recovered. You being so out of it did not hear the calls of your two leaders. You jump, startled by their abrupt call. The motion made it clear you were now back to reality. Eyes all focused on you as you stood there by Dragon's desk. You turn red.

"Y-yes!" You start.

"(Y/n), glad to see you're back from your world. I would like you to make copies of these file. Afterwards hand the copies over to the research team." You receive the folder and salute.

"Yes sir. Right away sir!" You notice Sabo giving you a charming grin. It was almost like he wanted to snicker at you. Your heart sunk with embarrassment. You leave the room looking down feeling stupid. Sabo manages to catch a glance of your discouraged expression. He frowns hoping he didn't do anything wrong.

As you make your way down the hall, you start to mumble incoherence's. Negative ideas messing with your thoughts about your behavior. "I'm so stupid! How could I have been zoning out at such an important conference. Sure I'm just an assistant, but Sabo was right there!" You groan at the thought. "He must think I'm a total fool for blanking out like that. His grin said it all. He must be bursting out laughing now." More thoughts swirled in your mind while making copies. You give out an exasperated sigh. "What does it matter what he thinks so much? He's never noticed me anyways. The only thing he knows about me is that I'm Dragon's assistant. How could he ever like a no one like me." Your eyes closed as you attempt to relax. The silence indicated the end of copies of paper, to your dismay forced yourself to pick up the pages in order before slipping them in another, cream colored folder adding the name of the folder to tell the difference of the real ones and fake ones. Once you step out you freeze seeing Sabo down the end of the hall where you needed to go.

That wasn't what hurt you. It was the fact of how casually close Sabo and Koala are and how they spoke to each other like it was normal. In a way that may look like nothing to anyone, but to you it looked like two couples. After all Koala is Sabo's best friend. You could see a spark between the two how they spoke to one another non stop about anything. Occasional quarrels between the two made it more obvious or so you assumed. Your eyes quiver with a sadness.

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