(Sabo x Reader) It's Okay

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(A/N) : The name Alpha is your cover up name

You sat on your throne observing your clients gambling to their hearts content. Entertainment, and music blasting below. Your room shrouded in dark, luxurious furniture while your crew stood by your side lounging around waiting for their next assignment. Your colors were always black and white but mostly white. They were a reflection of your heart and soul. So dark yet a small light or white remains in that heart of yours. It seems no matter how many times you try to get rid of it, it refused. You take a drag of your blunt and spew it's contents in the shape of cross bones.

One your followers barges in with a panicked expression.

"Alpha! Alpha!" He starts. "I have urgent news. Some pirates showed up in the west coast two days ago. At first they were just harmless, but it seems they're attacking civilians." You hum in thought to this information. You run through it figuring out how to go about it. You make a quick decision.

"I see. Well you know the rules. This island is my property. If anyone dares to attack it then they meet the consequences. Men prepare for battle and head on out. I'm going with."

"Eh? What about the casino ma'am?" One asks.

"I'll have one of my assistant's handle it. Now let's go." Without further a due, your crew follow you out to your mission.

It wasn't long until you arrive to the west side of the island only to find it in complete chaos. Homes and establishments engulfed with flames or damaged by cannons. Countless people scurrying away to safety while men stay behind to fight back. Your heart sunk at the devastating sight. Your veins boil with rage.

"Save as many people as you can from the cross fire and fight back! Leave the captain to me. Now go!" You demand. Your crew rush into the battle field armed and ready. You Sprint through the battlefield yourself, taking down as many pirates as you could until you're met with the captain. His cackle echoes for miles away. Your anger grows as you pull out your scythe to swing against your target only to clash against his sword. You place your weight into it in attempts to throw him off balance, but his hold was equal to yours. You scowl at his amused face.

"My, if it isn't (Y/n) or what do they call you nowadays? Oh that's right! Alpha." He sneers. "You're no Alpha. You've always been a sigma. Just a pup following orders." The captain growls.

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