(Papa! Sabo x Mama! Reader) Wake Up Calls

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(A/N): I know I said romance is not on the mind, but kids just cheer me up at times. This story came to me last night. If you've read my first Saboxreader parent story, the child will be the same ones. I hope you all enjoy~<3

It's six in the morning. Your baby is crying in the other room. You took the night shifts since you are currently just a nurturing, housewife until Ace is old enough to walk, talk and feed himself some cereal at least. You didn't like to be a simple house wife lounging around not being productive for the revolutionary cause. However, with all these sleepless nights, you didn't mind one bit as long as you got a wink of sleep. Sabo on the other hand had to take day shifts to care for your baby until you woke up, or leave them in someone else's care for a few minutes like Koala or Hack. While he had it easy, your job to wake him up was hard. Every night you woke him up different ways so he won't become immune to your normal wake up calls like the usual, "shake him awake", slap, or tell. He was a deep sleeper which at times like these become annoying.

It was still dark outside at this time. Dawn. Sun rising barely peeking over the horizon. The rooms pitch black. You groan awake hearing your baby, Ace's cries. You shake Sabo to make sure if he was deep in his sleep or not.

"Sabo. The baby hun." He simply snores a little louder. You raise your head and squint at the body beside you. "Sabo!" You whisper shout. You growl and grab a heavy pillow and smack him on the head to which he quickly responds to. He forces himself awake sitting up.

"What?" He asks groggily.

"The baby." You whisper with a relief sigh. Sabo rubs his eyes tiredly. He hears the cries of his infant.

"I got him." He yawns and makes his way to the door like a zombie. "I'm coming. I'm coming." He mutters. You return to your sleep.

~Attempt 2~

Six a.m. The same time your child wakes up everyday and cries for his bottle. Only this time you wake up Sabo differently. You shake Sabo again. No response. You lean in from behind and stroke his blonde, shaggy hair. You peer at his sleeping face before leaning down to kiss his cheek and brush your lips around the area before grazing then up to his ear and nibbling it. You feel him shudder until you bite hard on it. He yelps awake. You pull away and flop on the bed yawning while he process on what happened. Sabo rubs his ear with a whimpering pout.

"The baby Sabo." You start. The blonde tiredly groans getting himself up and doing the usual while rubbing his ear.

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