(Coby x Reader Lemon) Cops & Robbers

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(A/N): I watched the newest clip with Coby saving Rebecca and I must say his reaction is everything. It's super adorable I have been obsessing him for awhile it's only been three days xD so here is an OS Lemon tribute. Modern day AU enjoy perverts~ ;D

Arms tug back against the restraints on your wrists. Nothing but the jingle from the cuffs, and shuffling sheets fill the room. You lie on your back, half naked. The only garment remaining are your panties. Meanwhile your lover plants sweet kisses over your chest moving down until reaching his destination. You gasp, shudder for every one of them finding it exquisite, waiting to be touched so badly. This is his way of turning you on. His way of getting back at you. By being overly sweet. Caring for your body as if it's the most delicate thing to love. It was torture keeping you from being handsy. Your nature is to corrupt, to be dominate. A woman with an allure for danger while this man empowered you by being his sweet self. Your complete opposite, and yet he's managed to tame you in every possible way.

You gasp when he bites your hip. "Coby." You utter. He hums in reply. A small smile curving his lips with his eyes closed pausing against his love mark on your skin. He absolutely adored punishing his culprit just as he's done several times with you being his special case. Memories replay as you lose yourself in the moment. How you encountered Coby. How you both held a fire in your eyes during the interrogation. You will never forget that a rookie like him pinned you down. You were flabbergasted when you found out. You waited in the questioning room, cuffed to the table. You tried your best to break free calculating, strategizing. You were an escape artist. One of the reasons no one could keep you hostage for long. Then he walked in with his superior and his partner in crime.

The old geezer cackled at the sight of your pitiful defeat. He's done it several times. Why was this any different? All those times he bombarded you with questions with such fury. Instead he barged in as if he heard the most hilarious joke of his life. Your unknowing lover and his partner stood tall like a bunch of cadets. Their posture fixed questioning their elder's sanity. Garp wipes a tear from his eye sighing with relief as he ceased his laughing bit. You on the other hand shot daggers at the old fart. "What's so funny? Ya finally broke after you caught me? You know this isn't goanna last right?" You started. Garp smirked knowing he had an interesting fact to lay on you.

"You might think that, but I disagree. In all our years of trying to capture the infamous 'Escape artist', never did I foresee a rookie of my branch pin you down." He gestured over to the pink haired male with shades on his head. You gape in shock earning a glare from the lad. "An advanced rookie trained under my wing. Both of them capable of trapping a high ranking low life thief like you." He seethed leaning closer to you with the most menacing look.

"Shut your trap you lousy old-"

"QUIET! I will not allow you to disrespect my captain!" The pink man growled cutting you short.

"That's right! A scumbag like you should know your place. Running around thinking they can do whatever they please without consequence! Please! This is why you're the lowest form in our category." The blonde taunted. You bit your lip crushed by their words. They know nothing about you. Nothing about your past, what you have been going through. It took you just three seconds to brush away the insults with a click of your tongue.

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