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Here is a One-shot request and contest winner for the lovely frozen_spring ^^; I tried my best. I hope this was enough. Enjoy~

"Boo!" You said as Law entered the kitchen. A bemused look and a quirked brow. You, on the one hand, couldn't stop smiling like a goof for what awaits your boyfriend.

"Boo, (Y/n)-ya? Really, with a mask of Frankenstein?" You rub the back of your head sheepishly.

"W-well well it was all they had at the store. What do you want me to do, walk around in white sheets?" You argued.

"If it makes sense, yes. Otherwise, just say good morning." He ruffles your hair on the way over to the stove for some tea. Coffee was not a preference for the young doctor. He found the taste bitter as well as unreliable source for an energy booster. There was no way in hell he would catch himself as a member of the coffee addict society. You puff your cheeks at him as you smooth your hair in place. "Well, you're no fun, but that's okay because it's your birthday today~ Happy birthday, honey~!" You give him a smooch after setting a plate of his favorite foods, riceballs with ham and eggs inside.

"Thanks. This looks delicious. How did you know these are my favorite?" He complimented in a surprised tone.

"I may have asked some of your friends. It checked out after the third person." You smile, relieved to see your boyfriend eating with no complaints. It's a score on your part. "Anyway," You started. "Since you asked for Sunday off, I decided to make a Halloween themed party." Law snorts nearly choking on his food. In a panic, you offer him his tea to drown the substance.

"Excuse me?" He quipped. "A Halloween themed party? I'm not five, babe. I don't need a childish birthday party."


"If you're going to tell me that you've already made plans, cancel." You frown in disappointment. "I have to get going. I'll see you tonight." He sighed leaving a daily kiss to your scalp. You sighed as well glancing at your phone with a 'to do' list. The items are checked out except for the last one, 'consult Law for an agreement' "Another simple day, I suppose?" You said somberly. "I wish there was a loophole or something to persuade him." You throw your head back dissatisfied with the outcome nearly nabbing him to be on board.


       The next morning, you sent your love to work after a hearty breakfast. Once the door closes, you sigh heavily leaning against it. In that second, the phone goes off in your hand. The caller belonging to your closest friend.

"Hello?" You answered.

"Hey, so what is up with the birthday surprise? How did it go?"

"Not so great. He dismissed the theme or even nothing to celebrate. He said it's childish, so I canceled." You replied as you plop on the couch.

"What? No one is too old for Halloween! That's ridiculous. Maybe he prefers mature parties like a Halloween bash? Let's throw him that. I'll help with the arrangement." She chirped.

"I don't know. I don't think he even wants a party. He was pretty content yesterday just being the two of us." You said.

"Oh, come on! I guarantee he will appreciate a costume party." You hum in thought envisioning a surprised Law, astonished and overjoyed. Seeing him smile is enough to make you giddy and jump the wagon.

"Okay, I'll do it. Only if you help me decorate and invite the guests before the end of his shift." Your ears rang as your friend squeals.

"Yes! I'll be there in five." You hang up and hold your hips.

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