❅ Chapter Twenty-Nine ❅

Start from the beginning

Iggy grinned after memorizing the path just as Hans' was rolling it up. "I asked one of the spiders in the clock tower some great places for animals. Spiders are very talkative and are knowledgeable." He was glad he was outspoken. "Come on, let's get there before it becomes a lunch rush." He flew off, his crow friend following right behind him.

It took a few minutes for them to get there from where they were, thanks to the wind that helped. When they did, they landed on the ground and went into a hole in the side of the building. Bright lights were from lightning bugs who were perched on a nail and the tables and seats were doll size, seeming to be from a dollhouse.

Iggy marveled as he and Hans were shown to a table where they sat down and were handed small menus. This was the most hospitable place he had ever been to. "Look at this menu! So many tasty things to choose from categorized for every species of animal! I'd never thought we'd be in Paris, let alone a cool place for animals to eat." He exclaimed. It was a lot for him to take in.

Hans opened his and looked through the menu. There were a lot of options for him, which he was grateful for. "Oh yes! The baked greens and rice seem delicious. At least here we know it will be cooked, because I learned as a kid, dry rice and water don't mix well in my stomach." He cringed at the thought of the rice expanding in the water, which made him very sick. It was a good thing he had only eaten ten pieces of rice, any more and he'd be dead.

Iggy hummed in reply to what he had said as he looked over the menu. "The fruit stew sounds really good." Just the very thought of juicy fruit stew made his stomach growl. He could almost taste it. "Heh, I didn't realize how hungry I was until I came here. I would like to come back tomorrow and try more dishes." He wasn't going to be a glutton.

Hans nodded and chuckled, his friend seemed to like food. "We can do that. Any chance to get out of seeing Draco I'm going to take." He mused, flagging down the waiter with his wing so they could order. Once he walked over, he told the waiter what he wanted. Iggy followed suit, telling him what he wanted as well. The waiter nodded and went back to have the kitchen staff prepare the meal. Which would have been either making it from scratch or taking pieces of the humans' dishes or finding leftovers before they got thrown away.

Hans set the menu back between the napkins, in awe at how everything was just a miniature human world. "I would love nothing more than to forget about Medusa and the Rosenberg stuff for the rest of my life. I hate even the idea of Medusa trying to harm Rosenberg again. She's just unbelievable! I just want her to leave them alone and get a life, you know? Trying to get through to her is hard." He groaned at the thought.

Iggy set the menu down on the table in front of him. He never understood the logic that drove her to revenge. "She's so consumed with them she can't see that it's ruining her life. She wants to be known for murdering the Rosenbergs. That isn't something to be proud of and how she has gotten away with it is beyond me." He had recalled a newspaper saying Medusa took credit for their demise.

Hans couldn't have agreed more. She was so proud of the fact she played a hand in their demise. Yet, no one ever tried to find her and lock her up for a crime, apparently, it couldn't have been proven. "You know, I always thought she was a psychopath if you ask me. She grew up without a family and she was bounced from house to house growing up. Because of it, she had been treated badly by the very people who were supposed to protect her. You would think she would be compassionate towards Risa who is in the same place. But she didn't, she had become cold-hearted." He explained, knowing the story quite well.

Iggy had to stop him right there. He placed his little. He put up his little hands and waved a few times. "Wait, wait, wait, Medusa was an orphan too?" He couldn't believe that Medusa was an orphan, he had always thought that she had a family. It did explain why she never spoke about them or had any pictures, also if she did she wouldn't have been so outspoken about taking credit for the Rosenberg's demise. "Why was she called Medusa and how did she become friends with the Queen?"

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