Chapter 20

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The lunch that was prepared was a simple one, a make-your-own sandwich buffet on the kitchen counter. I pieced together what I could from the meat spread Mrs. Yowai had, tossing some preferred greens and condiments on before biting into it. While eating my sandwich quietly at the table, my mind raced with questions I could ask the brothers.

More personal ones.

My eyes drifted towards the open door that led to the private beach, imagining what kind of questions I'd ask either of the two mermen down there.

Would Choromatsu be more happy not being relegated to guard duty in case Osomatsu has a tantrum? Why were the brothers focused on keeping Mrs. Yowai safe? Was it because of Osomatsu's claim on her from her youth? Did they need to keep her safe because she discarded the red coral long ago?

What about Ichimatsu? I know that Karamatsu said that he tended to become violent towards his brothers when he became jealous, but what would happen if I chose him?

I paused while chewing the last bite of my sandwich.

If I chose a merman brother, would I be forced to turn into a mermaid? Did they all have the ability to do that?

My throat suddenly ran dry as I tried to swallow what was in my mouth, gulping down the remaining drink in the glass in front of me.

I had never thought of that, despite it being a very real possibility. I guess it could depend on who I ended up being claimed by, but Karamatsu's description of it didn't make the process sound like some fairy tale transformation with bright lights and loud cheerful orchestral music. I would be changed from one species into another, and would have to adapt to that new life.

It didn't matter if I was ready or not. Depending on which brother I was claimed by, I could possibly ask them for time to settle matters on land.

Unless I chose Osomatsu. He made it very clear that he wanted me with him as soon as I said his name.

"(L/n), are you all right?" Karamatsu's voice cut through my thoughts. I looked from the door towards him, realizing that both Mrs. Yowai and he were looking at me in worry.

"Ah...yeah. I was busy thinking."

"Is there anything else you wanted to ask me or Totoko?" He shifted in his kneeling position to face me fully, "I know that you're on a tense deadline, and I want to help you as much as I can."

"If I choose a brother, other than you, would I have to become a mermaid?" The question rolled off my tongue before I could think.

"That depends on who you choose to be claimed by. Someone may like you being a human, and another may like you as a mermaid."

"Does there have to be someone guarding Mrs. Yowai?"


"Absolutely not!" Mrs. Yowai cut off Karamatsu, practically slamming her cup down on the table and causing the two of us to jump in surprise, "I don't want these idiots around me 24-7, nor did I ask for it."

"We stayed around here because we didn't know what Osomatsu would do when you threw away his coral," Karamatsu looked over to her, an eyebrow raised as his lips twitched into a nervous smile.

"Oh, so you're putting all of this on me?" She narrowed her eyes and glared harshly at Karamatsu, the former merman waving his hands by his face as he leaned away.

"Not at all, Totoko!" His voice shook, "You're important to every one of us, and we didn't want something to happen to you by accident."

"I am a fisherman's daughter and an idol in my prime. I should've married an oil tycoon while I was still young!" The old woman grumbled as she stood up, shuffling to the kitchen and putting the food away, "I'm not so old that I can't whip each of you idiots into shape!"

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