Chapter 12

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...I'll have to find another brother to replace Osomatsu's coral, I put a knuckle to my lips, But doesn't that mean I could ask Karamatsu for his...?

"Yen for your thoughts?" Karamatsu shook his head slightly to toss his bangs away from his eyes.

"Yeah..." I stood up fully from leaning over the vial on the counter, going over to rearrange my bed as my mind still processed the choices I had in front of me, "I'm thinking...that I may find a brother to replace Osomatsu's coral."

"If that's what you'd like," He didn't move from his spot.

"Would you be able to tell me who would be the safest to ask?" I winced as I realized the words I said after they left my mouth. I hesitantly put my pillow back in place before looking over my shoulder towards Karamatsu.

I barely caught the look of hurt flash across his face before he faced the floor, the sunset shadowing his reaction.

"I'm sorry...I didn't mean to--" I moved to sit down on the ottoman.

"I can tell you about them, instead...The two that went rogue are Todomatsu and Jyushimatsu, our two youngest brothers. The fates deemed it necessary that our family was cursed with a madness to balance our abilities, but we haven't been able to figure out the trigger for it. It just turns you into a primal predator that only lives for the thrill of the hunt," Karamatsu took a deep breath before continuing, "The third youngest is Ichimatsu, and he's probably the most violent person you'd meet out of the remaining four. Last I recall, his abilities are more suited for deep water, as he can manipulate the darkness with ease. He's in danger of going rogue, though, but there may be a chance that giving his coral could stop that altogether.

"You've already met Choromatsu, who's likely the most stable out of the remaining brothers, but he's been taking it upon himself to keep Totoko safe until she passes. He's able to somewhat control the water, allowing it to bend to his will. It's a weaker form of what Todomatsu is able to do, but it seems to work just as well.

"Then there's me, the second oldest. As you've seen, I'm stuck on land while my brothers roam the oceans. I still don't know if that's a good thing or not. I still retain my abilities from when I was a merman, which is mainly healing wounds and illness. It's not of much use for offensive abilities, but it's the main reason why I'm still alive today," He clenched a fist before looking back up at me with a small smile. I felt like it was the first genuine smile from Karamatsu that I ever received.

"Lastly is Osomatsu. Being the first-born of us brothers had somehow granted him the most power, both offensively and defensively. He's able to control water, heal, and influence the air to a certain extent. He's also the strongest out of all of us, and seems to have a drive to fight. Since it's obvious that you're not going to keep his coral, I can tell you what I know he can do," He sat up in the loveseat and pulled out his phone, swiping through something before aiming the screen at me. It showed a Wikipedia article about the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami. I remembered volunteering to dive for shore cleanup, wanting to clear away what I could with the people I was teamed with.

"No way..." I covered my mouth with a free hand, looking in shock as Karamatsu pulled his phone back, "That bastard nearly set off a nuclear meltdown! What the hell?!"

"That was when he got into a fight with Ichimatsu, before he started showing signs of going rogue. Osomatsu doesn't seem to care about the effects of his actions, so I want to give you a fair warning before you start talking to any of my other brothers about taking their coral," Karamatsu gave me a stern glare, only looking away after I nodded.

The sun began to dip beneath the horizon, and I glanced over at Karamatsu.

"Thanks...for staying with me, and for telling me everything."

"If you're stuck going to be my brothers, I want you to know everything that I can tell you," He stood up, raising his arms and stretching before moving towards the front door.

"I'm gonna take the next two days off...I feel like I need time to myself and think through things," I followed him, holding the door open as he put his shoes on before stepping outside.

"You have my number. Call or message me if there's anything else I can help with," He waved farewell as he started walking down the hall.

"Ka...Genki!" I called out, remembering that he wanted to hide his name, "I'll see you at work afterwards, okay?"

There was no verbal response, only a thumbs up to indicate that he heard me.


I found myself standing on the beach as the sunlight left the sky, the winds turning colder almost instantly. Tucking my hands into my hoodie pockets, I took a slow breath in as the waves lazily lapped against the shore, not surprised that I couldn't stay away from the water for very long. I had donned my breathable sporting shorts and flip-flops, but stayed away from the shoreline as I walked. I kept thinking about the choices I had, and the one I made in regards to the mermen.

I feel like I'm stuck between a hard place and Osomatsu's rage...

A loud splash from behind an outcropping of rocks caught my attention, my curiosity slowly taking over as I made my way towards the general direction of the noise. Peering around the edge of the rock, I could see the continuation of the shoreline...and a limp humanoid body. I held my breath as I tiptoed around the reach of the person, seeing the scales reflect the weak moonlight from the night sky.


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