Chapter 7

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I watched in silence as Mrs. Yowai busied herself with making tea and arranging small snacks onto a platter, while Genki was still outside with one of his brothers, Choromatsu. The only sounds besides Mrs. Yowai shuffling around were the waves from down below.

"Are you sure I can't help you with any--"

"I'm fine. You just sit there and look pretty for Karamatsu," Her answer cut off my question, the tone still heavy with something similar to contempt.

"We're not in a relationship," I tried to explain, "Genki and I only work together, nothing more."

"So, you think that he brings all of his coworkers here?"

"I don't know. I don't really involve myself with anyone at work," I gave a small huff, propping my head on my hand as I leaned towards the table.

"Yet here you are, involved with the idiot brothers just like the fellow moron you are," She shoved a cup of hot tea near my elbow resting on the sitting table, "Choromatsu told me what had happened yesterday between you and the other two. You should've run when Karamatsu tried to warn you."

Her words sent a jolt of recognition down my spine, a memory of Genki's slightly worried face looking down at mine as he tried to delay me going to the beach.

"I may be a moron, but you can't blame me for going anyway," I reached for the tea and shifted to look out the open windows facing the ocean, "I love the ocean."

"What's that?"


"That vial. What's in it?" Mrs. Yowai's tone wasn't curious. It sounded accusatory.

"I've had it for my most of my life. I found it in a shop and always wore it since...why?" I wrap my hand around the glass vial hanging around my neck, turning back towards her.

"I'd suggest you get rid of it as soon as you can. Throw it back into the ocean where it came from. It will bring you nothing but trouble," She turned back to her kitchen, waving her hand dismissively as she moved, "Though, I'm sure that getting rid of it now will do you no good."

"What is it? I thought it was just a regular stone in ocean water."

"It's not a stone -- it's a chunk of well-rounded red coral," She called out from the kitchen, "I've only seen it twice in my lifetime, and it's brought me no joy."

"It smells good in here, Totoko. What are you making?" Genki closed the sliding door and moved towards the table, kneeling somewhat across from me.

"Green tea and some biscuits for tomorrow morning," She walked back into the room with a cup for Genki, "(L/n), I don't have a room prepared for you, so you'll have to go back home."

"That's fine. I didn't bring a change of clothes," I gave a small nod before looking towards Genki, "I guess I'll see you tomorrow at work, then."

"Let me walk you to the bus stop, at least," He stood up with me before escorting me to the front door, excusing himself for a moment to Mrs. Yowai. I put my socks back on before stepping into my work shoes, taking in a small breath to organize my thoughts.

The walk to the bus stop was quiet between Genki and myself. I had questions tumbling around in my head and I didn't feel like I would be able to ask them without sounding rude to him or his family. The sun was well below the horizon, the last rays of day barely lighting up the clouds that hung in the sky. I was about to open my mouth to speak when Genki raised his voice.

"I'm sorry about everything that's happened so far."

"No, I--"

"(Y/n), I need you to just listen to me," The sternness in his voice shut me up. I had never heard him say my first name, or even speak in that tone, before, "I wish I could go back and keep you from all of this ever happening. Then again, this all happened because I made stupid decisions that got me into more trouble that it was worth. So, I'm taking the blame for everything. You're an innocent bystander that's been dragged into this, and here I am not giving you the tools and info to keep yourself safe."

With Lungs Like Gills (Merman!Brothers x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin