"Wow." Was all I could say. He knew. He was right. These were words I try to use to explain to my mom but I can't and now Andre has said it. Perfectly. "Andre I—"

"Gabriella don't bother trying now. When the time has come, it will come. But believe me, when it has reached for the final and main feeling to be expressed, it will be massive. But I promise you something, I will be there by your side through thick and thin and I won't leave you. You may do things that you should and shouldn't do but, I will be by your side and I won't object." I saw the sincerity in his eyes and tone as he held my hand in his then raised it up to his lips and kissed my knuckles, then my fingers, then my palm and finally my wrist.

"Thank you." I said and I gave him a smile as we looked at each other. "You know you're really sweet."

"Oh really? How sweet am I?" I said.

"Very very veeery sweet." I said and went back to my food. I later realized something. "Andre. Why haven't you touched your food?" I asked him.

"Cuz' I don't want to die." He murmured.

"Andre!" I said in disbelief. "If it was deadly wouldn't I have died by now?" I stated.

"I'm sorry but I can't eat it." He shook his head in disapproval.

"Haven't you been to a roadside restaurant before."

"No!.......Mr. Lombardi will kill me if he finds out his son is in one." He said almost freaking out.

"Seriously? Let me guess it's only those highly rated and expensive ones you have been to." I rolled my eyes at his bratty behavior.

"Yes! What's wrong with that?"

"Later Abuela will call me spoilt." I muttered and rolled my eyes. "Look just trust me.....can't you just trust me?" I asked him.

"I can trust you it's just I don't trust them." He referred to the food and the restaurant.

"Andre just trust them. If you can trust me, you can trust them okay?" I said as I took a chicken enchilada to his mouth. I looked at him slowly as he chewed it slowly with his eyes shut tightly close. Then slowly, they started to open, slowly. His face was unreadable so much so that I became concerned. "Andre?" I called his name softly with care.

"Gabriella." He said after he swallowed. "This.........is the best food I've ever tasted! What's it called again? Enmolada?"

"No, this is a Chicken Mole Enchilada. Enmolada is another Mexican dish."

"Whatever it's called, its amazing!" He  wanted to start but then looked at me hesitantly.

"What happened?"

"Can you feed me?"

I was appalled by his question. "You are really a big baby Andre Lombardi." I shook my head as I laughed.

"Yeah yeah, whatever, I just want you to feed me you know, I'll enjoy the food more." He said and grinned. "So, will you?" He asked with puppy eyes.

"Alright. Baby." I muttered.

We talked and laughed as I continued to feed him. If anyone saw us, they won't believe that we were fighting just some few days ago.

"See I told you they are amazing."

"They are beyond amazing, they are magnifíco!"

"Wow!" I clapped my my hands. "Look at who is improving in their Spanish." I said and we bursted into laughter. "What other words can Señor Lombardi say?"

"Uhhhhhh....I can't uhhhh...." He chuckled sheepishly. "That's it."

"That's it?" I asked in shock.

"Yah." He laughed.

"OK so remind me later to teach you Espanola."

"And after that I can teach you Italian."

"Deal." I smiled.

The rest of the dinner was spent chatting and laughing our asses out. We later ordered more Chicken and even ordered tortillas because Andre finished his own and came after mine.

".........and then North was like, 'I didn't eat it'." He said and we both laughed our hearts out. "So your friends with the Kardashians.

"We are more like family. I was actually at Kim's house for the past few days till this morning before I left there and headed to Kylie's so that we could prepare for the party."

"Jenner?" He asked.

"No, Williamson. The one we go to school with." I said.

"Oh, that's nice." He smiled at me.

"Yeah." I said and then he ushered for the waiter to come with our bill.

"I'll pay."

"I'll pay."

We both said simultaneously holding up our credit cards. We looked at each other and spoke at the same time.

"No, I'll pay."

"I want to pay."


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