Chapter 10- Help 101

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Curiosity they said, killed the cat. But when it comes to Emily, she's no stranger to her illness. She won't have to wait till later, else she would forget tomorrow. So, she chose to find out the truth now that she can.

She padded into the sitting room in search of Mercy, with the paper in her hand. She has looked, but not asked where she could find her. Sooner she'd give up and go back and embrace the solitude of her room.

"Bitch" she heard behind her.

She turned and noticed for the first time, the presence of Cara, as she sat on a couch.

She's everywhere? She thought

"Why are you walking around now, disturbing the peacefulness of this house?" Cara gawked at her.

"You...seem me...too much" Emily rolled her eyes.

Cara laughed lowly" Oh look, our little Em has sass now. Where did you learn that? You've started browsing now? You seldom go out, so it's definitely no friend influence. Oh, you don't even have one" She smirks.

"Don't you think... you are...beginning to bug me?" Emily asked with folded arms.

"Oh, I didn't and you don't think too because you do not have the capacity." Cara dings her index finger on her temple, smiling.

"Then...enjoy...the silence," Emily said and walked out

"Hey!" She calls after her. Fuming at her audacity.

Emily matched upstairs, squeezing the paper in her hand. She rather stays in her room than meet this crazy stranger who keeps to haunt her.

And the paper? The questions she wanted to ask?

Should better get aquatinted in her room. There's no way she's stepping down here again. Anyone who wants to see her should find her in her room. Her little world.


She stopped, and turned, seeing Mercy with a plate of fruits.

"What's wrong? Are you ok?" Mercy asked.

"I was... looking for.. you"

"I am heading to the kitchen, you can come"

"No thanks," she replied and made her way to her room.

Mercy turned to look at Cara who buried her face into the pillow as though she was never the one talking back a minute ago.

Emily jams her door and groans loudly, throwing the crumpled paper at the side of the room.

She was sick and tired of all that was messing with her head, it was as though her father took his last breath today, and her world got darker.

She slumps on the floor and tears clouded her vision again.

"You don't think too because you do not have the capacity"

Cara's words rang in her ears and she blinked the tears which were threatening to stream across her face.

The lady seemed to be a different person when she was in her room earlier, what was with her multiple personalities?

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