•••••TEARS OF ZUBAIDA••••• •••Chapter Twelve•••

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Were what Zubaida is feeling, every joints of her body pains her. But none feels more pained than her heart. She fears the wrath of her father more than any other thing at the moment, if there's any for her to rewind time; none of these would have happened.

Its too late...

She felt deserted by her mother and her best friend. No, Mariya hasn't deserted her she thought.

Without thinking twice, she stood up and put on her hijaab and quickly left the house. She needs a fresh air, a listening ears, a person that will assure her all is well, a heart she can hope to love her, and a trustee she can tell her screwed situation.

She walked as fast as she could to Mariya's place hoping she is around and less busy so she could listen to her. What will I even tell her? She wondered. Will she still accept me as her friend? Was another thought she had been battling with. If only she had remained home that night.

"Salamu Alaikum." She chanted when she stepped her feet in the premises of the house.

"Wa'alaikumus Salam" Inna Hanne replied. "Zubaida, yau kece a gidan namu?" She added as she spread a mat for her to sit.

"What a pleasant surprise, when last did you visit. Gashi kawar taki yanzunan ta fita."

Zubaida smiled sheepishly and greeted her "Good afternoon inna."

"How are you and everyone?" Inna Hanne queried.

"We are fine, thank you."

Inna Hanne got some water and sesame snacks for Zubaida.
"Inna you shouldn't have bothered, this is also like a home to me, I can get the water myself." Zubaida politely spoke.

"Ba komai, just have it. She won't take any long, she will soon come in, I sent her on an errand."

Aleeyu was seated in the living room with Yahya telling him of his school when Baraka walked to the room.

"Good afternoon." He greeted.

"How are you Aleeyu?" Baraka replied.

"I'm fine, alhamdulillah."

Baraka stood sent Yahya to tell Ruqayyah to get some refreshes for Aleeyu to which he left.

Ruqayyah walked into the living room with a tray containing a plate of jollof rice and fish with coleslaw and a pitcher of orange juice and placed it the centre table at his reach.

Baraka's phone ringed and she went to the room to get the call, Ruqayyah was about to also leave the living room when Aleeyu called her attention.

"Please stay, I want to talk to you."

Ruqayyah closed her eyes and inhaled a deep breathe before she settled on one of the sofas of the room.

"You don't have all day, so be quick." She fused.


He trailed off, Ruqayyah scrunched her face in annoyance of how he had pronounced her name. She doesn't know why but she just dislikes the guy ever since he stopped her by the roadside and was asking why she's wearing a school uniform.

"I'm sorry on behalf of my sister Khadijah, I know what she did was totally uncalled for but..."

"Save it Mister..." She halted him with her palms. "I need none of your apologise." She finalised and left to her room.

Tears of Zubaida.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu