•••••TEARS OF ZUBAIDA••••• •••Chapter Thirty-Eight•••

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It's going to be fine.

It's going to be fine. Ruqayyah kept telling herself, for the first time, she's doubting her decision.
Maybe it's because, this is happening officially like how it's suppose to be, traditionally and religiously.

Zubaida watched her anxious sister quietly staring at the trees that look like moving ones as the car speeds past them. She felt happy for her sister, this time around, it was pure happiness. No envy, nothing at all.
She felt a soothing ease at the sight of her sister, she hopes this is the best for her, after all, she deserves it. She deserves to be happy.

"Do you know what?" She broke the silence.

Ruqayyah shook her head saying "not until you tell." And turned to face her sister.

"It's nothing, I just wanted to distract you from your world of thoughts ne."

"Are you sure?" Ruqayyah asked. Because one glance at Zubaida, you'd need not to be told she has a lot to loll out of her tongue.

She wished she could say no, and tell her she's afraid of going home now. She wish she could tell her she's afraid of almost everything. She wish she could tell her she's in love and it's a one-sided one. She wish all her worries could just vanish away.

"Yes, bakomai. It's nothing."

••• ••• •••
Wardanga was just the way it usually was everyday that time, except this time around, as Ruqayyah, Zubaida, Baraka and two cars behind them emerged, it dragged lots of attention. And Ruqayyah hates it.

Those two cars, are her soon-to-be-in-laws. As well as her suitor, Aliyu.

The whole plan changed, instead of Malam Musa to go and pick Zubaida, Aliyu decided to make things formal, and so, here they are now. To seek the hands of Ruqayyah in marriage.

So instead of their familiar route to Unguwar mai dile, they took a different route to Layin Kuka.

Her paternal uncle's place, there, the visitors will be received and the seek will proceed, then the arrival of Zubaida will also be looked upon.
The house was recently renovated, the once faded gate has now been changed to a more metallic and durable one. They honked and entered the spacious compound where the three cars were parked respectively.

Zubaida saw the renowned station wagon of their uncle and nudged Ruqayyah.

"Baba Habu na gida. Baba Habu is home." She whispered.

"It's obvious." Ruqayyah rolled her eyes. The memories of every Fridays and Saturdays nights they always go to the sectarian with her uncle and cousins vividly came back to her which had a nostalgic feeling lingering on it.

Ruqayyah smiled at the notification that popped on her phone. It was a text from Aliyu, asking her of her trip.

- it was fine, alhamdulillah.

- Maa Shaa Allah. After this meeting today, they will be just some few more maybe two to three and then you'd be officially my wife. Ko?

A blush crept on her face which she quickly pushed away and replied him rolling her eyes and twitching her lips as if he could see her.

- don't be too giddy, I might have a change of heart, few minutes later.

- that change of heart will then have to be only after seeing my cadaver. Kashe ni zaki yi?

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