Chapter 14

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He just now realized that right next to him was the teen from before... Lambo. Someone else slowly approached him, his Papa. He looked concerned and that made him realize that he just dodged his father figure. Oh shit, that won't end well. Will, he upped his training now? He paled slightly at the thought of harder training, but what he didn't expect was a hug.

"God, you scared me. You suddenly passed out."

This made him blink as a giggle escaped out of his mouth at this.

"Sorry...didn't mean to scare you."

The hug was left has he gave him a small smile. The other let out a sigh and ruffling his hair.

"How long was I out?"

The person who answered was his storm.

"4 hours Tsuna-sama."

That made him feel bad and hearing him say that made him remember again about that dream he head. Was that a dream at all? Maybe it was a memory? It would make sense, for now, he would hide it after all he didn't want to worry about his friends.

"I told you over and over again call me Tsuna and not Tsuna-sama, Haya-nii-chan."

He pouted now not liking the other calling him this. Just because he would be Vongola decimo, didn't mean that the other should call him that. Not to mention that he still was in a kid body.

"Tsuna-sama is Tsuna-sama."

He let out a groan and gave up, as he knew that the other wouldn't change-


"P-please stop calling me Ju-Juudaime, Hayato."

There were two people in the room one was obviously Hayato who looked right now like a kicked puppy and then there was someone else Takeshi who laughed cheerily. Right now they seemed to be around 12 or maybe 11 even?

"But your Juudaime? It would be disrespectful. You will, after all, be the tenth of Vongola. And as your right-handed man, I can't just call you anything else."

So he knew about this before? Was that why they kidnapped him? Was that why he ended up there? Had that been the reason for him ending up in that hell hole?

"Please, call me Tsuna. We are friends and I am not your boss, yet and that won't be happening until my 16th birthday, so still, 4 years and you know this. I know that I have the responsibility. Which Grampa told me. We are friends and I don't like when you see me as a boss."

Tsuna felt it amusing how the other looked like a kicked puppy. This seemed to be something that they argued a lot. How old was he right now? Uh, let's see from the age of the others he is around 18 maybe 19 or even 20. That he knew about this with the young age of 12 was harsh, but it made sense to tell him, that he would end up in the mafia. As a boss later on.

"Haha, are we talking again about the mafia game?"

That made him snort on the inside, that the other was thinking that this was just a game. It was too hilarious and he thought he was childlike. At least he knew that mafia is not a game.

"Teme, this is not a game. Take it serious baseball freak."

That made him blink as it was a nickname he felt foreign at the same it seemed like something he heard many times before. 

"I am sorry for his disrespectful behavior Tsuna-sama." 

The other bowed now and it made him just let out a sigh. At least he didn't call him Juudaime again.

"It's fine, I hope you still understand how dangerous it is? You heard it from my grampa."

The other laughed, but it was clear that he understood, which made him at least feel happy.

"Tsu-kun, can you come down, please? You have visitors for you!"

He heard that voice before, and it made his heart stung and he longed for the woman. Tsunayoshi knew that female, one thing was clear, but who?

"Coming %^%$."

Why wasn't he hearing who that was? That was way too strange. His body stood up and he glanced behind smiling brightly at the two.

"Sa, let's see who wants to meet me, and guys?"

The two straightened up, as his smile and expression were more businesslike.

"Try not to fight and Hayato Gokudera don't dare to pull any dynamites out, don't want to get the house destroyed after all I live here."

He could hear him say something under his breathe about paperwork which his Grampa sends over because of a stupido Pineapple and stupid Kyoya for destroying something again. With this he walked outside and downstair he was met with four. One was a female which he couldn't see her face. The female's face was blurry and she seemed to be someone who he holds dear. Not just the female, but all the other three had blurred out faces as well. One seemed older and he felt at ease with that male.

"Hello, Grampa and #$%#. And the a good day to you B#$%^#$u." 

He could feel his HI tell him that the other was dangerous of the three, and he guessed it was the third one he greeted distantly and the anger he felt towards the other. 

"Hello, my dear O&^-&o"

The other looked hugged him in joy. Everything turned slowly blurry and soon his sight turned out black



That made him blink as he felt some tears rolling down. This time he couldn't hide it, this was a memory. And who were the two? The two seemed like people he cared about, people who he loved. And then there one person who he despised but who?

"You doing alright?"

This time it was his Papa. He sniffed as some big tears rolled down his face, as he ran over to his father figure. The other was surprised at this but picked him up. He rubbed his back in a circling motion and going slightly up and down. Soon he calmed down, still gripping onto the other.

"What happened?"

He sniffed slightly and looking up the confusion must have been seen clearly on his expression. 

"Calm down, and try to explain it to me."

The other by now moved to the bed sitting down and he was sitting on his lap. He felt calm, and he now knew who they were. It were names that plopped into his mind.

"Who is, Nono-grampy, Dino-nii-chan and why isn't my mom here?"

Hehe, a million questions put in the room. I thought I am ending it here. I hope you enjoyed it. See you all in the next chapter, ja ne.~

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