Chapter 11

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The next was his storm, and he knew that this person feels guilty and thinking that it was he could have done more, but it was clear to him that Hayato could never have done anything. At this time, they were just children and way too weak. He felt arms wrap around him as well and like always the mild smell off expresso was felt when hugging his father figure. After a bit, the hug left, and as he looked at the direction of his storm, he could see him look like a kicked puppy. He could see a tail that was down and dog ears as well. Wow, that was new, and he didn't think he still had some imagination left. He chuckled at his thought and then walked up to Hayato and hugging him as well.

"You know Hayato; you shouldn't feel like that. It was my fault I overreacted there. It was my fault right now. I am unstable, and I am sorry as well. I assumed things, and I should have known that you two never would say these things to harm me."


Hayato tensed up at first and then calmed down. He really needed to be more mindful. This wasn't good and he knew from baseball freak how fast their sky could break. So he really should have been more careful. It still surprised him how accepting Tsuna was, it seemed that he didn't change that much. It made him proud of having a sky like that. 

"Still I can't help but feel bad making you upset like that. I am a failure as a storm aren't I?"

"Don't and I mean don't ever say this. You're the best storm I ever could have and wasn't it,  you guys who always waited for me to come back?

That was making a smile now. He was glad that he finally found the piece which was missing. Still, he knew how he was right now. 

"Yeah, and thanks it means a lot to me. We can wait after all you need to get better. I don't want to see you broken..."

This was the first time that he was truthful and it seemed that Takeshi was surprised hearing this coming from a 'Tsundere'. That was at least what the others always told him. The hug was left and Tsuna had a smile, but his eyes still were that dull. It made him once again remember that he wasn't the sky he once knew. Right now Tsuna was still broken and he hoped that the others would hurry up.

"I u-um now. So w-what now?"

He looked around and Hayato could tell that Tsuna wasn't sure how to handle this. At the very least he could try to make him feel better.

"How about we play something?"

This time it was Takeshi who grinned at them. He let out a sigh, as this will be a long day. And so they played the whole day. Reborn stayed out and was somewhere, and he guessed the other was trying to gather some information. 

A week later...

Hayato and himself had now a brotherly bond as he has with Take-nii-chan. His rain still slept with him and his storm understood and was fine with it. But he could feel slight jealousy of his storm. Those two were almost every day bickering and he was not really minding it. The bickering made it a bit more lively. He did stop Hayato when he pulled out his dynamites which came from god knows were. They of course instantly apologized and stopped, probably feeling guilty about making the other have to stop their arguing. A week later he had the scare of his life when suddenly a creepy laugh was near him. 


What Tsuna didn't expect that to get jump scared by a pineapple head? Or two? One was a female and the other one was a male who laughed creepily. The female apologized for being late to Haya-nii-chan and it seemed that these two knew him. And soon apologized to him as well. By now he had calmed down and giving her a small nod. He felt more complete now with those two, and he guessed that those where his mist's? 

"Ano? W-who are you?"

He finally decided to talk. His voice had a bit more emotions in it yet there was still a slight monotone. He glanced at his rain and storm who gave him a reassuring smile.

"Chrome Dokuro, good to see you again Bossu."

The girl said in a soft and calm tone. She had violet hair and it looked the same as the male. As well as an eyepatch.

"Kufufu, Mukuro Dokuro. So you really got shrunken heh?"

That was making him have a slight nod and looked down. He wasn't sure when he would get back to his body, and would he have to stay forever in this body? Tsuna was after all experimented on. A sigh escaped and he could hear Hayato began to scold Mukuro for being a moron. 

"I-It's fine Haya-nii-chan. It is after all un-unbelievable."

He looked back up and giving the other a smile. With this, they began to learn from each other, likes and dislikes. He felt his emotions returning more and he was glad that he finally got his mist's back. Now all that was missing, his cloud, lighting, and sun. He hoped that they are as nice as the others. He enjoyed talking with the other two, yes his male mist was sometimes creepy, but it made him unique. Now that he thought about it the other loved to poke fun at Hayato. And it seemed to make him mad, which made him amused. 

In the end, he had to stop it again. It wasn't really something new to him as he stopped the bickering of them. At least it got more lively. And so the day had ended and him sleeping again with Takeshi. The other wasn't minding it when he glomped at the other.

It just was something that he needed as he was love deprived and hadn't felt any love since getting experimented on. And so he dozed off and he was sure when he would have a nightmare his rain would fend off them...


Gah, it took longer then I thought to write on this fanfic, and I am sorry about this. Right now I am writing on four stories which are out and another one which has D.-gray man, Kaito Kid, and Detective Conan. I stumbled on fanfics which were about Kaito kid and Detective Conan. That was why it took me so long. I try to write at least once a week, can't promise it tho >-<

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