Chapter 12

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In the end, he had to stop it again. It wasn't really something new to him as he stopped the bickering of them. At least it got more lively. And so the day had ended and him sleeping again with Takeshi. The other wasn't minding it when he glomped at the other.

It just was something that he needed as he was love deprived and hadn't felt any love since getting experimented on. And so he dozed off and he was sure when he would have a nightmare his rain would fend off them...


It was two days after now and Tsuna could feel much better. He smiled more often, more real as well more completed. The next one who would arrive should be his cloud, and he wasn't sure why his rain and storm were a bit more nervous about it. Chrome seemed fine as well as his other mist. The mist still felt creepy, sometimes. His laugh was just way too creepy for him and he always shuddered when hearing it. But he still accepted him, as the mist wasn't bad, the opposite. 

Mukuro had a soft spot for him and made some cool illusions with his mist flames. It made him feel joy watching them, and these were so pretty. Still, he couldn't help but feel creeped out with that laugh.

"Kufufu, Tsunayoshi-kun what are you thinking about?"

He jumped up as he heard the voice of Mukuro.

"O-oh u-um..."

His cheeks felt heating up, as he didn't want to make the other hurt. Suddenly he felt his head prick and he looked at a direction. He stood up and walking out, not answering the question of Mukuro. Thanks to Papa, he managed to use his sky flames as well about his Hyperintuition as well. He looked up to Mukuro who opened the front door, and a male was in front of it. The male has black short hair, and gray narrowed eyes. All in all the male seemed intimidating. The male had his hand on the doorbell. 


So that was why his HI reacted and telling him to go to the door. The male blinked and looking behind him. The male's eyes twitched as he heard behind him that laugh again. He felt wary and could feel the tension in the room.

"Kufufu, hello skylark-kun."

The other glared now at the male who said this. He knew when he wouldn't say something, the two probably would start a fight. Before he could say something the latter pulled out some tonfas out of air.


He let out a squeal as he saw the other wanting to dash forward, but stopped instantly and looking down. The grey eyes softened now as the tonfas disappeared god knows were.

"Tsk, hn." (I will bite you to death later on pineapple."

The tension continued, but the male crouched down now and giving him a pat on his head.

"Little animal, sorry for scaring you."

That was making him blink as he felt his cheeks heat up.

"Oh, skylark-kun talks in a whole sentence. I think the world is ending."

The other scowls at this but didn't try to attack the other.

"Oh, u-um d-do you want to c-come i-inside?"

The other answered with a hn, and straightened himself, walking inside. The door got closed afterward, by his mist and they walked into the living room. All people froze other than of course Reborn. The other seemed to smirk when seeing the male right next to them.


The answer came straight afterward in a hn. He assumed that he wouldn't get a different word out of the male. 

"W-what is y-your name?"

His voice soft and the shyness was heard.

"Little animal really forgot?"

The other froze when hearing the male talk, but not just that they gaped at it. Other than his Papa who had an amused shown on his face.

"I a-am sorry..."

Tsuna still felt horrible for forgetting them, but there was nothing he could do. His voice showed how horrible he felt and he looked down. He felt a hand going through his hair, looking up he was met with gray eyes.

"Don't feel sad about it Tsuna. Hibari Kyoya."

That made him blink as he lit up hearing the other tell his name. He gave him a bright smile, and he felt another puzzle part fit. Tsuna felt more complete now and he felt more emotions.

"T-thanks for telling me Ky-kyo-nii-chan."

The other blinked at the nickname and there was some nostalgic seen in them. Saying his name like that just seemed right. The other stopped being frozen, but the surprised was seen in all of them. Tsuna was obvious about the situation, wondering why the others seemed so surprised about this. He shrugged it off as them being their weird selves. 

"Hn." (Hello everyone)

The other sweatdropped at this but giving their own hi's.

"Seems like you finally got to meet your mist Tsuna."

He ran up now to his Papa and glomped the other in a hug. 

"Un, Papa. Do you think I will remember when everyone has arrived?"

His voice was said in a childish manner and the other gave him a soft smile as picking the other up.

"I am sure you will. So what do you want to do today?"

He hummed and looking to Kyo thinking what the other would enjoy.

"Let Kyo-nii-chan decided."

Reborn smirked at this and chuckled giving his attention to the other who had wide eyes.

"Hn, little animal." (Don't mind were as long as the le animal is happy. I won't mind doing something.)

Everyone was surprised at this and Tsuna pouted as he didn't know what to do. Maybe something which has not many people. The other seemed to avoid people at least that was what his HI was telling him. Maybe a picnic at a calm place?

"How about a picnic somewhere quiet?"

That was making the other blink and looking at him in surprise. Why were they looking at him like this? Isn't it obvious? After all, he did stay far away from the group and leaning on the wall.

"Jesus don't be surprised. Tsuna is smart and it is obvious as he stays far away from us. I am fine with this."

Everyone agreed and so they began to make food for the picnic and everything else that was needed. So they walked in the forest and soon were at the clearing. It ended up being a chaotic day, but a fun day nonetheless.


There we go another chapter written. I am thinking about ending this story soon when it is around 20 chapters maybe or maybe less.I hope you enjoyed it and I see you all in the next one ja ne.~

Tsu got turned into a kidOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora