A Bittersweet Ending

Start from the beginning

I looked up to see Viviane. She motioned for me to come. At the same time another nurse came, gathering everyone's attention.

"Girls, line up please. It's time for therapy with Ms. Kiandra." The nurse, Milly I think, announced. Upon hearing this, everyone began moving.

"Well I think I'll sit this one out." I said sheepishly.

Maddy's eyes softened and she gave me a quick bear hug.
"There's nothing to be scared of. Just stick to the truth, Dr. Glass may be your opportunity to put an end to all this. " she whispered. 

"How much did Tyler tell you?" I asked her and she laughed.

"He told me enough. Don't worry, I'll take this one to my grave." She said mockingly.

"You'll be fine Juniper. " Anna said from beside and I nodded at her, smiling. Waving at my friends, I walked towards Viviane.

"I guess I won't be joining the rest ?" I asked, although I knew the answer already.

"Putting it simple so you can understand, today you will talk with your therapist so he can see where you are and how to help you." She told me and I nodded.

The rest of the teen's went upstairs in the elevator and while I followed Viviane through the long corridor. The walls were a soft cream color, occasional yellow lines painted on top. It was awfully bright, enough for my vampire senses to get uncomfortable. The hallways here were so long, they appeared to be infinite at first glance, kind of like my dream from last night. That made me shudder.

We came to a stop at a black door with tinted glass. I could vaguely make out what was inside but I knew better than to think it was your ordinary therapy session.

"It's okay. Everything is okay. Just go inside, Mr. Glass is a profesional, he can help you if your willing too cooperate." The nurse said. I just nodded and she left. I was left alone, standing between my fears and my future.

This was it, I knew once I walked through those doors everything would change. Something was about to end, and something else was going start. What? I had no clue.

Taking a deep breath, I turned the knob and opened the door.

"Juniper Thompson, I finally get the privilege to meet you." A voice said from inside and I managed to smile.


"I take it went well with Dr. Glass?" Madeline asked me that night as we lay in our beds, our heads propped up by our hands supported by our elbows, all snuggled up and ready for bed.

"Yeah, you could say that." I said. I was still shook with everything we talked about, everything I now know...

"Do you know his name?" She asked me all of a sudden and I nodded at her.

"I wont tell you because I wont jinx it." I told her and yawned. The medicine was kicking in already, making me feel all loopy.

"Okay sleepead. Go to sleep. Hopefully tomorrow when you wake up, everything will be different." She told me as I rolled onto my side. I heard her feet shuffle and the lights went out.

"Madeline? Can you keep an eye on me tonight? Just in case." I told her as she stopped at my side.

"Of course." She told me as she dropped slightly and brushed a few strands of hair off my forehead.

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