After a couple of moments, Tori appears out from upstairs, her chocolate hair a mess. However the moment she sees Jade, their eyes click and blink at the same time, causing a blush to creep into Jade's cheeks and a smile to appear on Tori's face.

"Tori." Jade and Trina say simultaneously when they both spot Tori walking down the stairs carefully, gripping the railing tightly on her way down. Tori stretches her limbs out in all directions to relieve her tiredness before arriving downstairs and skimming a lazy arm over the piano.

Trina runs up to her immediately, almost colliding with her, "Hey, lil sis."

The prominent feeling of jealously quickly fills into Jade as she throws away her apple in the rubbish bin in the kitchen, lips curving back into a straight line as she watches the interactions between both of the Vega sisters.

Tori just rubs her eyes tiredly, yawning once again, "Trina, I just woke up and you know how I am when I wake up."

Trina hesitates for a second before backing away. "Right, sorry."

Tori has always been extremely cranky in the mornings. Can't blame her though, who wouldn't be cranky at waking up almost everyday early to go to school and be stuck there for 8 hours straight? The crankiness, though, had never been this neutral𑁋as normally Tori could feel herself having the urge to just argue with every single person she comes across, but she doesn't to her own surprise.

"Good morning, Tori," Jade says towards the brunette who was immediately flushed with an alarming set of emotions. Tori cowers her head low, trying to hide the excited smile that unknowingly appeared on her face.

"Hey." she greets back and fixed her hair from the fluffy mess that it was earlier. Trina just remains standing at the side, seemingly noticing their odd interactions, raising an eyebrow in confusion.

"Ugh, I gotta get ready for school. Tori, she is not coming with us inside the car to school, you got it?" Trina demands, glancing down at the time on her pearphone.

Tori snorts in contentment. "Andre's picking us up. He just called me a few minutes ago."

Jade's eyes perk up as she turns towards Trina with a victorious smirk on her face. The older Vega let out a sigh of forfeit, wanting to protest further before giving up and heading back up the stairs in a hurry, with her loud footsteps slowly getting quieter and quieter.

Tori stops in her place, suddenly remembering the unusual occurrence that she had with her mother yesterday.

"Trina, have you seen Mom lately?" Tori asks loudly as she placed a piece of bread in the toaster.

"No, I haven't! Why?!" Trina hollers from the top of the stairs, footsteps returning to its loud pace.

Tori frowns, narrowing her eyes towards the ground as her thoughtful scenarios floated around her. "Nevermind!"

More suspicions surround Tori's head about her mother, and only continued to grow day by the day as she thought more about her mother's absences. But, she has been trying to convince herself that her mother would never... cheat on her father, right? She would never betray their family... right? It just leads to a spiral of confusion to Tori, feeling like her own damn family was slowly being pulled apart and that she was just stuck in the middle𑁋not knowing what to feel or what to do.

Some tears slowly swell up in Tori's eyes𑁋the thought of her mother betraying their whole entire family painted a scar on her heart.

Jade just stares at the brunette in silence, observing her features carefully to decipher her emotions𑁋it seemed like all the colours just washed off of Tori's face when she had mentioned her mom. Her brown eyes looked almost dark in the light and Jade wanted to know what was going on, but she knew it was none of her business, so she keeps quiet.

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