lxx. | "remember"

Start from the beginning

"Best shower ever." she whispered, using a towel to dry off.

"Agreed. We have to do that sometime again." he grabbed a towel.



AFTER ELLA GAVE Judith an hour long bath and struggled to find some diapers, she fed Judith some milk in her bottle to help her sleep through the night tonight. She was hungrier than anyone here was. If only they found some formula or baby food for little Judith here so she wouldn't be so damn hungry. Judith didn't even cry anymore when she was hungry. It was like she somehow understood that food was when they found it. Now, Judith wouldn't have to worry about that anymore. She could eat whenever her heart desired it since she might've been the only baby here. Ella walked downstairs when she was done and held Judith out to Rick. "She's all cleaned up, fed, and ready for bed." she weakly smiled.

Rick shook his head, waving Ella away. As much as he would love to hold her and rock her to sleep. He thought it was Ella's time to shine with her little sister now that they were safe and they could bond like they couldn't before. Ella was more Judith's sister than Rick was Judith's father. "No, no, no. You can put her to bed, if you want.  You're her sister. . . she likes you and sleeps better when you're near. . . even if you don't want to admit it." he dryly chuckled, stepping out of Ella's way to the bassinet.

Ella nodded. "If you're sure. By the way, I like the hair and shaved face. Been awhile since I saw your face." that compliment made Rick chuckle and rub his freshly shavened chin. Ella rocked Judith a little from side to side, swaying her hips before she put a sleeping Judith down in her brand new bassinet. The baby had been asleep since she ate so there was no waking her up in all honesty. Ella caressed her cheek. Even though Ella decided she didn't really want children when Lori was pregnant with Judith, she changed her mind on the matter. Seeing how Judith had thrived in the prison, on the road. . . it made her realize that having a child in this world wouldn't be so bad.

There was a few knocks at the door. Rick placed his hand on the knob and looked back at everyone else before he opened the door. It was Deanna. "Rick I-" she paused and looked at his face. He groaned. "Wow. I didn't know what was under there," she smiled. "Listen, I don't mean to interrupt. I just wanted to stop by and see how you were all settling," she stepped inside and saw the entire group was all huddled together in the living room. "Oh, my. Staying together. Smart."

"No one said we couldn't." Rick retorted, his hand still holding the door back. Ella walked over to Glenn and sat down on the couch with him, lacing her fingers with his own fingers.

"You said you're a family. That's what you said. Absolutely amazing to me how people with completely different backgrounds and nothing in common can become that. Don't you think?" she smirked, glancing at the group again.

Rick nodded, glancing at his family. "Everyone said you gave them jobs." he pointed out.

She nodded. "Part of this place. Looks like the communists won after all." she laughed.

"Well, you didn't give me one."

"I have. I just haven't told you yet. Same with Michonne and Gerard. I'm closing in on something for Sasha and Yasmin. And I'm just trying to figure Mister Dixon out, but I will," she went to leave. "You look good."

Rick smiled, before he shut the door.


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