Thirty-Two: I need a freaking manual

Start from the beginning

"How do you know about Lukas and I? Wait...what exactly do you know?" I whispered, leaning in closer to her, the both of us hovering over the counter at this point.

"You didn't really try to hide it during our game of truth or dare yesterday. Plus, he told me after I scolded him about liking my best friend." Oh crap...

"He likes me?" I said frowning my brows at her, taken aback by the fact he told her.

"So, he said...Relax I'm cool with it Bella. As long as we stay friends, no matter what?" She said before taking the menu and looking at it carefully.

"I promise! And I won't break his heart, you don't have to worry about that..." I said quickly, my lips moving faster than I could think. I don't want to lose her over a boy... not even if he's her brother.

"Bella, it's not his heart I'm worried about, it's yours." Mia sighed, knowing her brother better than I do.

"I'm scared too! I mean I like him; I really do but I'm scared to get hurt? Is that normal?" I sighed putting my elbows on the counter and letting my chin rest on the palm of my hands.

"Your heart is going to get broken in any relationship, whether you like it or not." She sighed and I wanted to ask her how things were with Jason, but I was being to selfish to do so. I'm such a bad person... "I mean, if you're with the person and they break up with you your heart is broken but you can move on, but if you stay with that person for life and you outlive him, your heart is broken. I honestly don't know what's worse..."

"It kind of makes sense." And it really did make sense... there's no escaping the inevitable heartbreak at any point in life, whether it's now, or when I'm grey and old. Realizing that made me a lot less scared of it happening. "Are you sure you are okay with it?" I asked, before putting my lips in a straight line.

"Yup! And if there's one thing we should do to celebrate, it's eat ice cream." She said flicking her finger on the tip of my nose. "One Strawberry Maestro with whipped cream and chocolate sauce please and grab yourself a spoon too!" She laughed, while pointing out the ice cream she wanted on the menu. How have I just met her this year! I should have grown up with a friend like her which makes me appreciate her even more.


"So, you just came to the diner to eat celebration ice cream?" I ask her while putting the delicious looking bowl between us.

"Yeah ice cream for lunch, isn't that something we all want once in a while?" She laughed while taking a big scoop from the bowl onto her spoon. "No, I came to invite you..."

"You could have just texted me?" I said while also taking a scoop, destroying the piece of art I just made.

"Do I hear you complaining Bella? If you are, I could just finish this bowl all by myself?" She said while pulling the bowl towards her with her spoon.

"No no no! Not complaining, I'm happy to see you! Now share that ice cream please, I need it if I want to survive this shift." I said and we both burst out in laughter and I quickly looked around, making sure Gregory didn't notice. What's he always doing in his office anyway! "Invite me to what?"

"To come to Jason's frat house tomorrow." She squealed joyously before putting another scoop of strawberry heaven in her mouth.

"Not another party... I think I've had my fair chair to last me the entire year..."  I rolled my eyes knowing parties and I don't go well together considering every time they end in drama of some sort.  

"Not a party, a get together." She said closing her eyes as she took another bite, this time ice cream mixed with chocolate sauce.

"Is there a difference?" I scoffed, really not knowing the difference. I get together, what's that supposed to mean.

"It's much more relaxed, only few people, playing games and-"

"Oh hell no, no more playing games for me." I laughed at the thought of playing another stupid round of truth or dare? I'm so done with that game. 

"You don't have to play if you don't want to...It's just hanging out basically..." As she spoke, she saw the hesitation on my face. "Oh come on Bella no more ice cream for you if you don't come?" She teased pulling the bowl towards her once again.

"That's just evil!" I squinted my eyes at her while crossing my arms like a pouting child.

"Oh don't pout Bella! Lukassss is going to be there tooooo." She teased dramatically while winking at me not really sure what she's suggesting.

"Fine!" That was easy, even I'm surprised at how fast I agreed. She knew exactly what to say in order to convince me.

"Now I have to convince Lukas to come, but seeing how fast you said yes I think he's going to beat you to it." She giggled with an evil smile on her face.

"You haven't asked him? You're the worst." I chuckled at her little plan. God I love this girl!

"Nope, but say I'm the worst again and I'm not finishing this bowl with you!" She teased again, holding ice cream over my head like forever.

"Mia, please no don't take away my ice cream." I said, grabbing my chest, mocking hurt. "I'll do anything to finish this with you!"

"Fine, fine you can!" She laughed and at that point Gregory emerged from his office, sending angry looks my way. Crap I'm fired. 

"Isabella! I don't pay you to chit chat and eat the food! Work! Clean! Anything! Now!" Gregory yelled from across the diner, his voice echoing through the walls.

"Aye aye captain." Mia said completely taken off guard by his rudeness before putting up a blank face trying not to laugh at my surprised expression. "Talk to you later." She mouthed at me before I continued to clean stuff I had already cleaned a thousand times.

After my shift I went to class and after that I did some studying. After my microwave dinner I decided to take a shower which was hot and completely reviving me. When I got out of the bathroom, thinking about how good a shower could feel, I remembered I still had to reply Lukas's message from earlier this day.

Me: Sorry I was caught up at work... I took that shower though, felt nice but would have been nicer if you were in it with me...

I waited for hours for him to reply and while I was watching something random on Netflix to make the time pass, I decided to go a tad wild in order to grab his attention. 

Me: Well, if you won't have me in the shower how about a couch, watching Netflix?

Still noting after an hour of waiting but I wasn't giving up so easily...

Me: I guess I'll have to help myself if you're not answering.

Which was a lie...I was too lazy to do anything and what's the point of doing anything if he isn't on the other side of the phone, freaking replying!

Me: Fine go ahead and ignore me...

I was laying in my warm bed, the covers pulled up over my head. I sighed looking at my phone which had no single message on it. What a disappointment. Why isn't he replying though? Did something happen? Where is he...? Is he with someone else letting of the steam because I didn't reply earlier? Crap...I should have replied... I need a freaking manual with this guy!


💕 Another update! YASSS! It's kind of a transition chapter but I like to show a bit more of our girl Mia too. What do you think will happen at the "get together"? It's going to be exciting I can tell you that :P

👉🏼 Comment all you want! It gives me so much ideas and inspiration

⬇️ Don't forget to vote if you liked it! Love you guys!


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