Chapter 1

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I sit down at the table because my parents have something to tell me.
"What is it mom and dad?" I asked
"Well sweety we know you love hiking so we decided to take you up to the mountains!" dad said.
"What? Do you not like it we can give you a different-" my mom started but I quickly cut her off.
"No I love it!" I screamed

"Ok, but one more thing" my dad started saying as he scratched the back of his neck, "your brother, well, he thought it would be a great idea to bring one of his friends." I stare at my dad in disbelief.

"Are you kidding me!" I yelled again, "but this is my birthday! Why can't I just spend time with my family only!"
I stormed up to Ross's bedroom. I wasn't mad at my parents, well kind of, for letting this happen but I'm not that mad at them. I storm into his room and I see him sitting on his bed with a controller in his hands, then look at the tv screen and see him playing Fortnite.

I stand there leaning against his door frame until finally he notices me.
"Woah, sis, what's with the frowny face?" I look at him with a scowling look. "What the hell do you think!"
"Ok, woah, calm down, what's the problem, sis?" he asked

"Why are you bringing your stupid friend along with us on my birthday trip!" I went up to his bed and put my hands on my hips.
"Oh, they already told you?" he asked "look here's the thing sis, Jasper called me a month ago asking what I was doing for Christmas break, I told him about everything and he asked if he could come with us because his parents are leaving him and he would have had nothing to do. But do not talk to him or get involved with him."

"Guess what, I don't give a shit about your friend, if he is lonely that's his problem, not mine, that doesn't give him the right to ruin my birthday and that doesn't give you the right to just invite him, and do you really think I'm going to talk to that idiot!" I yelled at my brother again.
"Look, sis, it's not gonna be that bad, just-" he started but I cut him off as quickly as I did with my parents,
"No, I don't want to hear it." And that's the last thing I said before I, once again, stormed out of his room.

I walked downstairs to apologize for what I said, "Mom, dad I'm sorry for yelling," I continued, "I guess I will have to deal with him." I walked up stairs and flopped down on my bed. Ugh, I can't believe I have to deal with, what was his name? Oh yeah, Jasper.

I decided that I would text Layla. She lives in Colorado too and she's my best friend but right now she's on vacation in California.
A-Hey girl!
A- I have some news
L-Oooo spill the tea sis
A-Well my parents are taking me on a trip up to the mountains, in a cabin. I get to go hiking too but I was very upset at what they said after that so my brother actually thought it was a great idea to invite his friend to come on my birthday trip!
L-OOOOO is he hot?!?
L-Sorry well good luck I have to go and send me a picture of him when you get the chance! Bye love you❤️

"Aria!" my mom yelled, "it's time for dinner!"
Great. Now I have to deal with a family dinner, this is going to be fun. I walked downstairs and the second I got to the end of the stairs mom, dad, and Ross were staring at me.

I just rolled my eyes and sat down at the table with all eyes on me.
"What do you guys want?!?" I yelled
"Hey, don't talk to us like that Aria!" dad scolded me.
"Well, why do you guys keep staring at me?" I repeated in a more calm voice. This time it was Ross who spoke up, "Sis, I still don't understand why you are so upset about Jasper coming along with us?"
"Uh, why the hell do you think" I said in frustrated voice.
"Language!" dad scolded me once again.

"It's a boy, why would I want a random boy I have never met come on my birthday trip!" I said a bit louder.
"It's not just your trip" Ross rolled his eyes.
"Technically, it is because it's a trip for my birthday that mom and dad set up" I rolled my eyes right back at him.
"I guess I'll have to deal with your shitty friend" I pushed back my chair and walked upstairs to get ready for bed. When I got to the top of the stairs I heard my mom yell, "We are leaving at 6:00 tomorrow morning so pack tonight!"

I got into the shower as washed my hair and body. I walked out of the shower and brushed my hair, then brushed my teeth.
When I got back into my room I flopped down on my bed, once again, and decided before I go to bed that I would text Layla.
A-Hey are you busy right now?
L- No, why?
A-Because I wanted to ask you for advice on what I should do with this boy, Jasper
L- Oooooh so his name is Jasper, well you won't like this advice but you never know you might fall in love with him, talk to him and get to know him
A- My brother told me not to get involved with him
L- Don't listen to him
A- But he's my brother
L- So?
A- Eh whatever🙄I have to go because I have to pack for tomorrow, bye love ya❤️
L- Bye!

I went over to my closet and got out my Nike duffle bag. I went to my dressers and picked all the clothes I would need and put all of my other stuff in there.
I walked back over to my bed,
Pulled the covers over me and went to sleep.
Hey guys if you are reading this thank you so much this is my second story and I have a lot more confidence about this story so anyway I will come out with another chapter very soon, bye guys

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