Bell's status in long-form

Start from the beginning

(the previous 3 are magic spell's he has that don't count to the 5 spell's he can learn since it's family magic, magic exclusive to his bloodline/family alone)

Weapon Multiplication: (very common) this is a no chant magic that is able to make copies of weapon's in magical energy form to create replicas of the weapon used as projectiles( namely used for spears and bows), and normally, there can be about 5-15, and in some rare cases 25 replicas made to attack the enemy, however, Alcaeus made this able to make about 300 different replica's based on what he's using, this varies based on how much Mana Alcaeus puts into this spell and the weapon he's using, and while this isn't a rare magic as many have it, it's still effective and tactical for many reasons

Invisible Sheath: (common) this magical spell is a no chant magic that can transform or reveal Alcaeus's armor, this can also hide/store 10 of his weapons as well, though this can be used with his magic as well, and it's better used when he is wielding a weapon or wearing the armor, so he can store his armor and weapons as if he's not even wearing or carrying them, however, he can then summon them to his beck and call whenever he feels the need to, though this consumes very little Mana, it's still great considering he can switch on and off weapons and armor on a whim, so he would need to be careful when using this, and while this isn't a rare magic as many have it, it's still effective and tactical for many reasons, normally you can only summon 1 weapon at a time with your armor, but Alcaeus can summon 4 weapon's at a time

Elemental Factor: (very common) this magic is supposed to be a spell that uses elements in nature with only 2 words needed to use the spell in its forms, they only need to say the element the need for the first part, and then say either " field" for surrounding their body to act as a second layer of armor, "weapon" to surround their weapon and add the effects of the elements into their weapon and boost its attack power/ability and durability, "blast" for a ranged attack in the shape of a bolt in long-range, "storm" for a wide-area attack in short-range, or "Ball" to make a giant ball of an element, though he can fuse 3 element's and with this he can create a "Sun" and a "Moon" to attack many people with their same effects otherwise, but Alcaeus is able to use not only all the element's, but also all the spell's in this, and while this isn't a rare magic as many have it, it's still effective and tactical for many reasons

Spartan's Shield: ( very common) this magic is meant to protect and defend Alcaeus and any allies he means to protect from attacks both physical and magical alike, which is not very common amongst magic defense spells that can only do one or the other, this spell need's the words spoken as such "to protect everything I have dear to me, even at the cost of my body and soul in battle, may my body and allies shall seek no harm, Spartan's Shield" this would make a cross and circle-shaped as a base and about 9 other layers of round magical shields on top that is strong enough to block even a god's divine punishment, however, the magic is reliant on mana, and the chant could be shortened to only say the words " Spartan's Shield" this would make a single shield layer that would be 1/10th as strong, but still very durable and tactical is used correctly, and a surrounding shield protection is only within a 15 meter radious, and while this isn't a rare magic as many have it, it's still effective and tactical for many reasons, to increase this shield's strength, he has to say "Molon Labe" each time, but this consumes more Mana as a result

Shield Maneuver: (extremely rare) this is a special ability Alcaeus has with the ability to instantly create about 10 shields for defense in any size he wants, big or small. This is very versatile, as these shields can be created in the air allowing him and others to jump on them to reach or escape threats he desires within a 15-meter radius of himself and also fire them from 2 kilometers away, and he can have these shield's move as they are out, so unlike other defense spell's, this can be used for offensive purposes we well as These Shields can also be thrown at targets doing light damage and knocking targets off balance or crushing them all together with them traveling nearly 9000 miles per hour at a target

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