Chapter 28 -- The Defeat of Hidan and Kakazu

Start from the beginning

"I see," Yamato sighed. "And what did Lady Tsunade say about us?"

"She agrees that we'd be the best squad to supply backup," I say. "But, she also said in order for her to send us, Naruto-- you need to master your new jutsu, and quickly."

Naruto gazed at his hand thoughtfully. "Master the new jutsu, huh?"

I hum again. "You've got the next twenty-four hours to wrap it up. Otherwise, she'll dispatch a different squad."

Yamato cupped his chin thoughtfully. "Just twenty-four hours..."

Naruto turned towards the wooden bench with Sakura's... nasty food pills, and grabbed a handful. "You're... You're gonna eat that?" I ask as my stomach turns. He finishes it off with my stamina serum.

He wiped his mouth and turned back to Yamato. "Okay, Captain Yamato. What are we waiting for? Let's get to work." I smiled sweetly. "Ren, you get some rest. Don't worry, I'll get this done in time."

I nod swiftly and use the bench to take a nap. With the warm sun lulling me to sleep, I listened to Naruto train until I managed to doze off.

'I'll use my chakra to focus on healing your body. I am sorry for causing so much damage, Ren...'

I blew out a soft breathe and slipped deeper into my sleep.


My eyes snapped open after a few hours, my body acting on reflex. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes as I stare at the crater Naruto had created. The bench I had been snoozing on was completely gone. "Man, and I was having a great dream, too," I sigh unhappily. "Oh, hey Sakura, Sai." I hum as I turn to them.

"You seemed like you were having a great nap, Ren," Sai mentions with a soft smile. "I've never seen you look so peaceful."

"That's... weird." I grimace.

Sakura giggled. "Naruto!" She called loudly. "Come on, you two--" Sakura urged, and we all slid down the crater to Naruto. "Great work. Really awesome!" Sakura complimented him.

"Thanks!" Naruto hummed.

"And your training," Sai said. "Is it going well?"

"You could say that!" Naruto chimed.

"So, you'll be done soon?" I ask excitedly.

Naruto nodded confidently, but Yamato didn't think so. "Well, not quite yet," Yamato mentioned. We all hummed in confusion. "We still need a little more time, I'm afraid. There's one more thing we have to try."

"Well, I believe in you, Naruto~" I coo and flash him a pearly smile.

"Thanks, Ren!" Naruto cooed in the same enthusiastic manner.


After Yamato and Naruto managed to finish their collaboration, we let Lady Tsunade know, and we headed towards Team Ten's location. Upon arrival, Kakazu was preparing a big jutsu with Kakashi, Choji, and Ino captive within his stitches. "Naruto, Yamato-- Now!" I exclaim.

"Right!" Naruto and Yamato chime.

"Wind Style: Rasengan!"

"Water Style: Ripping Torrent!"

With the two jutsu's colliding, the two shinobi exclaim, "Hurricane Fortress Jutsu!" It extinguished the fire style jutsu Kakazu had released.

"Sorry we're late," I hum swiftly. "But better late than never. You okay, Old Man?" I ask teasingly.

"Yeah!" Choji exclaimed. "Let's hear it for the cavalry!"

"Sakura, Ren, Naruto, and Sai!" Ino sighed.

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