"Only if you promise not to freak out and dump all that popcorn to waste while the movie is playing." Jade mutters annoyingly, crossing her arms together.

Tori only rolls her eyes, grinning to herself, hurrying towards her pantry to grab some popcorn to mircrowave. "I promise."

Chuckling lightly, Jade leans over to grab the remote from the couch of where Tori sat at, turning it on and clicking the Guide button on it, finding herself browsing through a variety of lists of horror movies to watch. Jade knew Tori probably didn't want to watch anything super horrifying like The Scissoring𑁋Jade's favourite movie of all time, so she decides to pick an old classic𑁋a movie that someone has at least watched once in their life.

The Grudge.

"Perfect," she mutters to herself in amusement. "Absolutely perfect."

"Hmm?" Tori calls out, not looking as to what Jade was doing in the other room, instead focusing on putting a bowl of popcorn inside of the microwave. She punches in a time to the microwave before finally looking up to see the menacing smirk on Jade's face.

"Nothing, I just found a perfect movie. It's a pure classic and one of the best to this day."

Tori swallows a nervous lump in her throat, lifting a brow to the comment. "Should I be concerned for my safety?"

"No, not really, unless you want to get nightmares tonight, then I recommend worrying." Jade's smirk and serious gaze towards her deepens, causing a muffled groan to escape from Tori's mouth.


The microwave dings loudly, causing Tori to quickly jump off the couch and sprint towards the kitchen. She opens the microwave, touching the hot bowl briefly and flinching from the sudden hotness, a low yelp leaving her mouth. She reaches over towards the handle of the oven, grabbing a thick cloth to take it out with. Tori walks back into the living room area, placing the bowl of popcorn on the centre of the table as the smell of popcorn quickly fills the atmosphere of the room.

Jade slumps her body down onto the floor excitedly, grabbing the bowl of popcorn and setting it next to her, grabbing a few pieces and plopping it into her mouth. Tori's eyes widen momentarily to the girl's excitement before preparing her physically and mentally for the movie.

Walking towards the light switch, Tori switches off the lights, with the only source of light coming from the bright television that showcased the cover of the movie they would be watching. Tori had never been fond of horror movies, ever, yet she tried to make the company of Jade soothe her. She sighs, wandering back into the living room and sitting herself down on the floor next to Jade with the bowl of popcorn sitting in between them, giving a substantial amount of distance in between.

"Let's start," Jade declares eagerly, grabbing the remote from next to her as her finger lands on the play button. However she stops a moment to think, mind wandering upon Tori's sake. "If it uh... if you think it's too scary for you to handle then let me know, okay?"

Tori's eyes widen to the sudden sense of care in Jade's voice. She could feel her own heart begin to soften.

"Yeah, okay. Thanks."

Jade softly smiles unbeknownst to the darkness around them, pressing on the play button before plopping a couple of more pieces of popcorn in her mouth, the loud crunching echoing across the house and becoming the only sound that Tori could hear besides the overdriven beating of her own racing heart. She felt a mixture of nervousness from the movie and from how close she was to Jade.

𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 | jori ✓ {revamping}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora