Getting to the scene quickly they knew whoever's inside is armed. Judging by the car with the bullet hole and the six boys van which also had a hole.

No one saw the two boys from where they were at. Altho they were just standing or sitting, in plain sight. Guess no one really payed attention to them.

It's getting close to half-time. And basically everyone has left, only a coupple of hundred still getting out.

While everyone was getting out Vikk and Mitch we busy with their problem. With their guns out and knife easily where they can get to. They opened the door quickly and pointed their gun around the room.

A man came walking down the halway coming into view of the boys, before he could say a word Mitch shot him dead on the spot. Vikk looked at him he was kinda upset that he didn't get to do anything "Hey! You gotta share. Leave some for me." Mitch shrugged knowing what Vikk was indicating "A competition it is." Vikk smirked taking the lead.

Through the camera the man smirked seeing the two boys walking down the hallway. Lachlan and Jerome both had cuts and bruises. They were beat up, badly. Lachlan got hurt on the side on his stomach, right above his hips, is where a deep cut layed. Jerome's bad wound layed on his thigh pretty deep probably less deeper than Lachlan's but it was longer.

"Looks like your friends did come. Let's hope they like their suprise." He turned to look at the two boys who was too weak to move "F-fir-st o-of a-ll t-they a-aren-t o-our f-friend." Jerome mumbled a cough following soon after.

"You guys are a good team." Jerome looked at the evil man "Too bad you spent your ten minutes slacking off and arguing with your friends." Jerome's eyes widen, how did the man know they weren't near each other "W-what?" Lachlan slowly reached into his pocket and turned on the ear piece.

"You heard me. You did not think we would be able to track you? Hints why we came up behind you. I know there are two boys at the front waiting for everyone to get out. Lucky for me the police are on my side. Oh, and your two friends coming to rescue you, they don't know that people are coming behind them! Just like we did to you. Guess you were a terrible team after all. How disappointed will your boss be when he finds out four boys were killed. Two got taken, or shot on the spot, doesn't really matter. Oh, how will you stop us now." The man started laughing, his laugh filling up the quiet room.

Vikk and Mitch stopped dead on their tracks, turning around. Vikk spotting a black arm on the corner of the wall. He pointed his gun and shot the black arm. A man yelled and dropped his gun, men started coming out and Vikk and Mitch were shooting at them as they shot back. A bullet almost hit Mitch, only ripping his black jacket. It came down to one last guy and both Vikk and Mitch were out of bullets. Thankfully, so was the last man. Mitch grabbed his knife from his pocket and ran at him. He tackled him and manages to pin him on the ground. Mitch, who was ontop, trying his best to push the knife closer to him.

Rob and Preston had their own problem the police came over pointing guns at them. Two police officers came behind them scanning them for weapons. They drew their guns pointing at their back "Take the weapons out and throw it forward!" He yelled, Preston tossing his knife and Rob tossing his gun and knife. Now all the police had guns on them.

"You are going to tell us what is going on here!" The man behind Rob said pushing him forward a bit to get him to talk "NOW!!" "Okay! Okay! Gesh. First of all we did not cause this. We wanted everyone out safely-" "Get to the point!" He nudged Rob harshly again, not wanting to hear it "Chill! I'm getting to it!" He croacked his gun "Okay! Um, me and him are friendly. We were sent to stop the problem going on here. When half-time starts the enemy, not us. Were going to set off a..." Rob went quiet knowing if he gave too much information they would instantly and definitely be against them "A what!?! Huh!?!" Rob bit his lips knowing they are probably going to kill them for telling, "A- uh." "TELL US!!" "A Bomb!! They planted bombs around! And at half time they were going to set it off!" Preston looked at Rob who looked straight ahead "Who are 'they'?" An officer spoke up "I don't know! Someone evil enough to do this!" Rob quickly said panicking he knew this won't do anything to help them.

OneShots: The Pack and Sidemenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें