Part 1: Lost Boy.

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"Boo!" Stiles jumped out from behind the door as Derek walked out of the kitchen.

"Fuck! Stiles, just because I can't hear you anymore doesn't mean you can jump out from every corner." Derek sighed, glaring at the charm hanging from a leather chain around Stiles' neck making Stiles laugh.

Stiles had received the charm a few months back when a coven of vampires came to town. They had targeted Stiles after killing other innocents. But Stiles had just laughed and said something about it always being him. Derek thought he was being stupid although it was no surprise to anyone, really, as no one but Stiles would find this crap-show something to laugh over.

The necklace hid his scent and quietened his heartbeat, Stiles had realised he could use it to scare the wolves (Derek in particular) and he found it endlessly amusing to do so. Derek cursed Deaton for giving it to him in the first place but couldn't be too mad, as it had saved the boy a few times.

Deaton should've taken it back after Stiles no longer needed it, though.

"Just because I shouldn't do something doesn't mean I can't, Der-bear," Stiles sung, smirking mischievously, eyes glinting as he patted Derek on the shoulder and strode over to sit on the couch where he was soon joined by Peter, Lydia and Isaac all of whom were laughing. "When are the others joining us?"

"They should be here soonish," Isaac replied as he calmed down and glanced at his phone. Stiles nodded and looked over at Lydia with a grin.

Derek couldn't help but wonder why Lydia kept giving Stiles odd looks but he brushed it off when the three teens began to bicker over what they were going to watch. Lydia was voting for 'Love, Simon', Isaac for the new 'Star Trek' and Stiles, as always, for any and all 'Star Wars' films.

"Can you lot ever unanimously decide on a movie?" Peter quirked an eyebrow at them only to have Lydia and Stiles snark back their replies and Isaac roll his eyes dramatically.

A few minutes later the door burst open and the rest of their Pack came flooding in, landing in different places on the sofas. Erica and Boyd curled up on the love seat, Scott sat next to Isaac, Ethan with Jackson and so on, all next to their significant other, making Derek's lips twitch slightly. Jackson was the first to ask, "So, what are we watching?"

"They can't decide... again."

"Hey! If you're so good at picking a movie we'll all like, why don't you recommend one?" Stiles challenged Peter with his usual level of 'ha, beat that sucker'.

"Alright, I will, how about 'The Lost Boys'?"

"Huh," Lydia placed a finger on her lips for a second before saying, "you know what? That's actually a good idea." Derek didn't miss the flick of her eyes, assessing the way Stiles reacted to the recommendation. He couldn't help but do the same, hating how he couldn't smell the younger man's emotions.

Stiles' eyes were, very briefly, filled with panic as he glanced at Peter and then over to Lydia, his hands tightening over the hem of his flannel but then a mask – one made of smiling sarcasm – seemed to take control of his features. Burnt caramel eyes met Derek's and he looked away.


Halfway through the movie, Stiles stood up abruptly saying something about getting more popcorn and left for the kitchen, eyes averted from the sharp teeth and blood on the large screen. Lydia followed after him after what seemed to be a moment's consideration, patting Isaac's shoulder lightly as if to apologise for moving his "headrest" – her lap, where she had been playing with his curly blonde hair.

Derek forced himself not to listen in but it wasn't his fault if he caught a few words here and there; like, "We should talk" and "my house later", right?

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