Elodie: Time for Plan Z

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Exhausted, I slumped behind a box. This battle is taking too long and there are too many people. So many that I can't find my friends. I've been looking for Korkie, Lucy, Soniee, and the rest of them for an hour now and I've had zero luck. I closed my eyes for a second. 

Bad idea. One of the Death Watch was onto me in an instant. But right before she could grab me, Commander Cody barreled into her. She went flying, landing hard on her back. Commander Cody pulled me to my feet, checking to make sure I wasn't hurt. Once he was satisfied, he picked me up. 

"You keep disappearing, sir. General Kenobi and Duchess Satine are worried," he told me. Instead of being relieved that they were still alive, I was busy correcting grammar. 

"Ma'am, not sir." I informed him, scanning the battle for any signs of my friends. I saw a flash of pale skin, but nothing else. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a woman laying on the ground. A woman with gray hair and glasses. 

"Veda!" I shrieked, trying to wiggle out of Cody's arms. He held on tight, but not tight enough. I worked my way free and sprinted over to Veda. I checked her pulse. It was faint, but still there. I tried shaking her awake. I sobbed. 

"Veda, wake up!" I cried. Evanna was at my side in a split second. 

"She's almost... we need to get her to the hospital." Evanna said, brushing her hand over a blaster wound in Veda's abdomen. I looked up at Evanna, chewing my lip. Evanna put a hand on my head. 

"It's going to be okay, darling. Nothing hurts my daughters." Evanna told me. She picked Veda up and disappeared, heading for the exit. Cody was soon by my side. He pulled me to my feet, shielding me with his body. 

"You cannot keep doing this, young one," he grumbled. "It's the Kenobi in you." 

"I can keep doing this. Go protect Evanna and Veda, please." I ordered. 

"I... ma'am... yes, ma'am." Cody said at last, running off to find Evanna. I found Aileen in the crowd and shoved my way to her. She was back to back with Gwen, dual blasters in hand. I wisely kept my distance, crouching in the corner. I was in the shadows, so I hoped no one could see me. 

"'Lodie! We're escaping." Vri whispered, crouching next to me. I turned to look at her. Thank the Force for Vri. She's always there when I need her. 

"Where do we leave?" I whispered back, nudging her with my elbow. She elbowed me back, smiling. I can't wait to leave this nightmarish place. Vri stood up and motioned for me to follow her. I've done a lot of following in the past few days. 

"Get down!" Obi-Wan Kenobi yelled. I quickly fell to the floor, looking for Vri. She was nowhere in sight. Darn, I keep losing my friends. 

"Can I get up yet?" I asked, not bothering to hide the sarcasm in my voice. 

"Yes. In fact, it is encouraged," he replied, an equal level of sass in his tone. I raised my eyebrows. No way I'm going to let him beat me at my own game. 

"Thank you, father." I said, satisfied when I saw him wince. Usually I'd be freaked out by a rising evil feeling in me, but today I like it. The power and sass that comes with it makes me feel good

"Elodie, go to your mother." Obi-Wan Kenobi ordered. 

"No thanks." I ran straight into the fight, holding a blaster. This one is fully functional, and I know how to use it. Mostly know how to use it. 

"Elodie!" Obi-Wan Kenobi yelled desperately. I ignored him, taking aim and firing. I feel like a true Mandalorian right now, on the battlefield and fighting. Sure, I don't have any armor and my father isn't even a Mandalorian and my mother ditched the old Mandalorian lifestyle, but I know what I'm doing. At least, I think I know what I'm doing. Vri found me, battling her way over with a frying pan. My old frying pan, the one I'd lost when I was captured. 

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