Elodie: What Time is it? It's Escape O'Clock!

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Korkie and I have been in this cell for exactly 5 hours 33 minutes and 44 seconds ago. The clock on the wall is very interesting when you have nothing to do. I got bored of watching the seconds tick by, so I stood up and started to pace.

"Idiots. Complete idiots." I swore, pacing the cell. Korkie was sitting with his back against the wall, counting on his fingers. When he got to ten, he just reset. 

"Why would they do such a stupid thing?! They know Death Watch doesn't mess around! Did all that alcohol get into their brains and mess up their reasoning?!" I snarked. Korkie paused his counting to look up at me. 

"You'd better hope they didn't hear you," he told me, going back to counting. I huffed, anger dissolving. It's no use being angry at him. Or at Mom and Padmé. What's done is done, and I can't fix it, no matter how badly I want to. I want to go back and stay with Gwen and Vri and Commander Cody and everyone at the Temple. I want to have never told Corey about my secret. I want to tell Mom how I really feel. I want to protect Korkie. I want to give him hope that everything's going to be okay. I want, I want, I want, but I can't have. 

"I give up," I groaned, sinking to the ground and hugging my knees to my chest. I rocked back and forth slightly, hoping Gwen and the others were okay. I hope she's not looking for me, but I know she probably is because that's what Gwen does. I watched Korkie count for a bit and decided to join in. I let go of my legs and began to count in Mando'a. 

"Solus, t'ad, ehn, cuir, rayshe'a, resol, e'tad, sh'ehn, she'cu." I said, ticking the numbers off on my fingers. I repeated this over and over again until my mouth got tired so I ended up just counting on my fingers and saying the Mando'a numbers in my head. 

"What am I doing? Is this what I've been reduced to? Counting on my fingers as I wait for impending doom like a bantha waits for slaughter?" I said suddenly, leaping to my feet. I strode over to Korkie and waved a hand in front of his face. I snapped my fingers and he jolted out of his stupor. 

"Elodie," he said. 

"Yeah. It's me. I'm bored, so we're gonna escape." I told him, testing the thickness of the wall and the force field. Korkie stood up, brushing off his clothes. He craned his neck, trying to see what was to the left and to the right of our cell. 

"Is this what you do?" Korkie asked. I was confused. 


"Is this what you do when you get bored in a cell? Escape?" 

"I don't know. I've never been bored in a cell before, or even in a cell." I shrugged, kicking the force field. My foot bounced right off. Escaping is going to be harder than I thought. A Death Watch soldier walked down the hall, and I saw a plan take shape. I can make the man pity us and let us out. Or I could just ask to go to the bathroom. The bathroom one is more believable. I pressed my face to the force field. 

"Excuse me, sir? May we use the restroom please?" I asked, projecting my voice in hopes of catching his attention. He looked at us, his helmet preventing me from seeing his expression. I took a deep breath and channeled my inner damsel in distress. 

"Please? I really need to go, and I'm sure my cousin does too. I'm begging you." I pleaded. The I'm begging you part was a little unnecessary, but I hope he'll overlook it. The man took off his helmet to reveal... 


I nearly shrieked with delight, jumping up and down and hugging Korkie. Gwen smiled and waved, and then made a shushing motion. She ran to the controls. 

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