Korkie Kryze: Lucy Kee is Very Standoffish

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This was their lead. This girl, who was glaring daggers at him. She looked like she was about to get out of her hospital-issue bed and strangle him. 

"I was supposed to stay on Coruscant!" she snarled, arms folded. No strangling for now. 

"But you would've died!" Korkie protested. 

"Yeah, so? At least Elodie and Gwen would've known where I was. Emphasis on the 'was' part thanks to you guys," Lucy Kee said fiercely. She was thin and sickly, but even then she was pretty daunting when she was angry. Lagos tapped Korkie's shoulder. 

"Maybe we should've asked before we transferred her here," Lagos whispered. Korkie agreed. Maybe they should've left her back on Coruscant. 

"No time to question now. We've already done it," Korkie sighed.

"You mentioned an Elodie," Soniee said, taking on the role as investigator.

"Krif yeah I did. Elodie's my best friend," Lucy told her, still glaring. 

"Elodie who?" Amis asked, wanting this investigation to be over now. Lunch was calling his name, and he was not going to miss it. 

"Elodie none of your business," Lucy shot back, eyebrows raised dangerously. 

"That's not a valid last name..." Lagos said awkwardly. She didn't want to be in the same room as an impatient Lucy Kee. None of them did, but it was crucial that they got this information. 

"Whatever. She told me that her last name was none of anyone's business. Which means classified, people. Although I really don't think you know what that word means." Lucy flexed her legs. Korkie had to admit that she had a point. 

"We need to–" Korkie began, but was cut off by Lagos.

"Okay, it's classified. Can you describe her?" Lagos asked, stepping in front of her friends. She didn't like being on the spot, but her friends wanted to know about Elodie. Scratch that, they needed  to know. 

"And why should I do that?" Lucy snapped, not ready to give in yet.

"Why are you being so frustrating?!" Soniee grouched. Lagos shot Soniee a dirty look. Soniee shrugged.

"Because Padmé Amidala is looking for an Elodie. She's really worried about this Elodie, and we want to help her," Lagos explained, hoping Lucy decided not to be so hostile anymore.

"So Elodie's gone off the radar, huh? Interesting." Lucy said, a puzzled look on her face. 

"Yes. That's why we need your help," Korkie said. Finally, we're getting somewhere! 

"I could tell you it was her if you showed me a picture. My memory's not so great right now," Lucy said. Soniee's fingers flew across her keyboard. 

"Is this her?" Soniee asked, pulling up the first picture. 



"No. She's not a brunette."



"This one?"

"Not even close."

After what seemed like forever, Korkie decided to try something. "Can I borrow your computer?" he asked. Soniee looked at him weirdly, but handed over her computer. He typed in Elodie Starchild. An image of a Loth Cat in sunglasses popped up with the caption Elodie Starchild profile on PoemCentral. He showed it to Lucy.

"Would your friend Elodie have that as a profile pic?" he asked. Lucy started laughing, then had a coughing fit. Lagos handed her a water glass. Lucy drank it. 

"Yes. Yes, that's definitely Elodie," she said, grinning.

"Are you joking or are you telling the truth?" Amis questioned suspiciously.

"I'm telling the truth. Only one Elodie would have a Loth Cat wearing sunglasses as her profile picture," Lucy said honestly.

"Perfect. So your friend likes poetry and Loth Cats," Soniee murmured, writing it down. 

"Loth Cats in sunglasses is so wizard,"Lagos whispered. Lucy snorted and replied, "It is, isn't it?"

"Thanks for your help, Miss Kee," Korkie said as they got ready to leave. 

"Hold up a second. You are not doing this without me," Lucy said, swinging her legs so they hung off the bed.

"Um, all due respect Miss Kee, but you're stuck in a bed," Soniee pointed out.

"Forget this. I'm going to help you find my best friend," Lucy snapped, standing up. She pushed the nurse call button and said, "I need an oxygen cart. Stat."

"May I ask why?" the nurse on the line said.

"Because I want some real food. And because I'm not going to waste my perfectly good life wasting away in a bed," Lucy fired back. The four friends looked at each other, surprised at Lucy's willingness to help.

".... alright Miss Kee," was the nurse's response. Lucy clicked the button again. 

"Sweet. I didn't think they'd let me. Let's go track down a missing Elodie." Lucy grinned.

"First, lunch," Amis added. Lunch sounded good to all of them. Once Lucy had her oxygen tank and other necessities, they all left the hospital and went to a nearby café.

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