Elodie: Okay, What is Going On?!

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She spoke to me.

Mom spoke to me.

And it was because I was ranting in Mando'a.

Apparently I need to rant in Mando'a more often.

Lucy and I followed the students as the tour guide told them about the Senate. Lucy and I were thinking.

"We can't go up to the Chancellor directly. One because he's in a meeting with the Duchess and two, there is no way he's going to change his ways because of two girls." Lucy said, her arms folded over her chest. She does have a point. I don't think the chancellor would let me into a meeting just to see my mom. If I were the chancellor, I'd let kids into a meeting to see their parents. Sadly, I'm not the chancellor. 

"I know. Maybe we can... she's planning to do something. I know that look on my Mom's face. Why don't we follow her to make sure she doesn't get into trouble?" I suggested. I know my mother and she has quite the habit of getting herself into trouble. I hope it doesn't run in the family, because I have enough to do without trouble. 

"And pray tell, how do you expect to protect her?"

"I can... sneak attack. Mandalorian style."

"Uh huh," Lucy said doubtfully. Truth is, I'm very doubtful of myself and my abilities too. I've never used Mandalorian sneak attacks before, but there's a first time for everything. 

"You would wish you'd never met me if I did it to you."

"Okay. Other ideas?"

Then I walked into someone. I fell and the other person fell. I blinked and shook my head to clear it.

"I'm so sorry!" I said, standing up. The other, an older girl, was already standing. I brushed my dress off, tucking my hair behind my ear. 

"Shows that we need to pay attention more, huh?" She joked, shaking her short golden hair out of her green eyes. Her tan skin glowed in the light. Elodie, focus. 

"Yeah. I've never had that problem before though." I said with a small, nervous smile. Maybe this girl can be friends with Lucy and I. Now that I have one friend, I like the idea of more friends. 

"Well, sorry has been said. Elodie, we need to catch up with the others now." Lucy said hurriedly. She pulled me after the students. I looked back at the girl. She studied us. I sense something peculiar about her, something she's hiding. 

"Luce, there's something strange about her. I don't think she's supposed to be here." I hissed. Lucy slowed to a walk, checking her shoulder. The other girl was hurrying in the other direction. A very suspicious move of her, if you ask me. Where is she going? What is she doing? Why is she here? 

"I don't think you need to pry." Lucy said. We both knew Lucy was lying. Lucy, who loves secrets and trouble, telling me not to pry. I checked my shoulder again, but the girl was gone. The two of us walked a few paces behind the group.

"I feel like something big is going to happen."

"And it has to do with her."

We looked at each other for a moment. A unanimous agreement. Then we turned and ran in the direction the other girl had gone. We traced her footsteps for a minute or two and then followed her from a distance. We were so focused on looking inconspicuous, we didn't notice she'd planted herself right in front of us until she cleared her throat. 

"Ahem," she said, hands on her hips.. Lucy and I both jumped in surprise. I grabbed Lucy's arm for support. Not physical support, but more of emotional support. This girl means business, and I do not want to know what happens when people (us) get in her way. 

"If you're gonna follow me, then come on. But stay quiet. Got it?"

We nodded. I let go of Lucy's arm. She's letting us come with her?! The day just turned sinister. 

"Names?" she said impatiently, her foot tapping. I drummed my fingers on my arm, debating whether or not to tell her my real name. After a moment of thought (and more foot tapping on her part), I decided to trust her. 


"Lucy Kee."

"Gwen Shipley. Now shut it unless I tell you you can open your mouth."

Gwen took us down a dark corridor and plastered herself against the wall. Lucy and I followed suit. I hoped whoever we were hiding from couldn't hear my heart, because I felt like they could. This girl (Gwen?) meant business. And by meant business, I mean she commanded it and if you didn't listen, you're in some huge trouble. The silence allowed us to hear... nothing. Gwen gestured at us to follow her and pushed the button that opened the doors. They swooshed open and we slipped inside, Gwen closing the doors behind us. She pointed to a stack of crates. Lucy and I walked over to them and crouched behind them.

"No! Inside them!" Gwen hissed. We obliged, kind of afraid of her. I climbed into my crate, curling up inside of it. 

"Lids," she ordered. I put the lid on mine. Next to me, Lucy put the lid on hers. I had experience with being in small, cramped spaces so I was fine. Comfortable, even. I could hear scratching as Lucy moved around in an attempt to get comfortable.

"Shh!" I whispered, hoping Lucy could hear me. 

"Mmph, but it's so squished in here!"

"Both of you shut up!" Gwen said. We shut up, and not a moment too soon. The doors swooshed open and people entered the room. I listened to their footsteps cross the floor and my heart thudded in my chest. What if they hear my heartbeat? I took a few deep breaths, but it didn't help at all. I pressed my ear to the box to hear more of what they're saying. It was annoying because they talked in hushed voices so none of it I could really hear. I lifted the lid a tiny bit and saw Lucy was doing the same. Lucy was pale. Well, paler than usual.  

"The Duchess must be killed."

I nearly puked. Mom? Killed? I know she's not super popular, but killing her is extreme. Way extreme. There's only one group I know that would ever try to kill her. Death Watch. I put the lid down and curled up into a ball, feeling sick. I didn't bother listening to anything else they said. When they left, I didn't want to leave my box. I just wanted to stay in here and wait. Wait for what? I don't know. 

"Get. Up." Gwen said, throwing off the lid of the box.

"Shabuirs!" I rasped, sniffling and wiping at my eyes.

"What's up with her?" Gwen asked Lucy. Lucy was shaking. I think she was even more scared than I was. 

"That... you can't tell anyone, got it?"


"She's one of the Duchess's secret protectors."

I stopped sniffling. Lucy had just lied to protect me. Lucy Kee, a girl I met only a few hours ago was protecting me. Friendship is better then I though. 

"I don't believe that." Gwen said. Lucy offered me her hand. I took it and stepped out of the box, Lucy pulling me most of the way. 

"It's partially true. I'm training to be one of her bodyguards, so part of my training is to tail her at a distance and investigate any possible threats." I said, trying to make up a convincing story. Gwen studied me. I don't think it's working. 

"What do we do?" Gwen finally asked, putting a hand on my shoulder. Her face was kinder than before. 

"His comrades are definitely up to something. We can't go after the main person because that'll blow my cover. I say we do a little investigating on his friends." I said. Lucy and Gwen thought about this for a moment.

"Little guard is right. We'll never be able to take the assassin down. We can only hope that your protectee is smart enough to call for help when the time comes." Gwen said. She walked out of the room.

"'Little guard'? 'Protectee'?" I whispered to Lucy. She shrugged, her hands still shaking. 

"I'll follow our person. Here. When I call, you meet me wherever I tell you to." Gwen said, tossing me a comlink. I caught it and hid it up my sleeve. The perks of having long sleeves. I should wear long sleeves more often. Lucy and I waited a second before leaving the room and running to find our classmates before the teacher realized we were gone.

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