"Winter soldier. Meet winter spider. Now fight."

*happy PoV*
"Kid I'm back."
No answer.
"Kid? Kid where are you?!"
"Friday where's Peter?"
"I don't know sir. He was last seen here."
Friday showed Happy the clip of Peter being kidnapped. Happy saw the HYDRA symbol on the men.
"But. But it can't be. Can't be HYDRA. It just can't."
"Happy is that you?" Steve called out.
"Yeah. Where's the kid!"

The elevator doors opened.
"I don't know Tones."
"I'm sorry Happy. I'm just. Dying."
"It's alright Tony. We'll find him." Steve chimed in.
"Call all the avengers that aren't useless and I'll look into security footage." Tony pointed at Steve.
"On it."
"Happy. You go ready the quinjet to pick them up."
"Will do."

Steve called Nat, Rhodey, Sam and Wanda. Tony followed the van that took Peter as far as he could. The fields seemed familiar to him until they cut off. He just couldn't place it.

"I called the ones that could actually leave the fight. So that would be Na-." Steve walked into Tony's lab.
"Do you know where this is?"
"Yeah it's the fields just before the intersection to the base."
"I love you so much."
"I lov-"
"But I love my baby more. So tell the people you got to go straight to wherever Peter is."
"Seems fair."
"We've got to go. Now!"
"Ok ok. Aren't you bringing a suit. That's kind of your thing."
Tony pointed to his arc reactor. "It's in here."
"No time to explain. I need you to stick this to your chest please and thank you. It's for Peter."
"You confuse me."

Tony's suit formed around him at the touch of his arc. "You know the drill. Latch on."
"I hate this so much."

Tony carried them both to the field. The road split into two. Half was sectioned off for the new facility. But this is HYDRA. They wouldn't take the obvious route.
They flew a little further to where the new base was.
"Ah bosses. We're glad you're here. We found this weird bunker type place and we don't know what to do with it." One of the workers told them.

Tony and Steve exchanged glances and they both thought of Peter. "Uh, yeah we'll check it out. Where is it?" Steve asked the man.

They were lead to the bunker that sat behind the old Stark warehouse. The man left Tony and Steve at the door.

"He might not be here Tones." Steve said solemnly.
"But he might be. It's worth a try. Imagine if he is and we just. Just leave him. I can't not check." Tony was adamant to see.

They walked down the steep steps and Tony lit the way with his repulsers. The corridor was long and dark. Musty. Cold.
They walked for what seemed to be 5 minutes and there was a bang. Subtle. Far back. Footsteps ran towards them. If you weren't paying attention you would have missed it. The steps got closer and closer. A hand fell on Steve's shoulder.

"The rest of them pussied out. Claimed the fight was 'too important to leave.' But Peter is my godson and I want him back." Natasha.

They got to the room where Peter was first in. They immediately noticed the HYDRA symbol on the wall. "Hm. Subtle." Nat perked.
"I think we got the right place capsicle."
"Just. Why right outside the new base?" Steve was confused. But he didn't know it wasn't just Peter on the other side.

"Steven Grant Rodgers. Anthony Edward Stark. Natalia Alianovna Romanova. Welcome. I believe we've met before Mr Rodgers."
"Zola? How can you eve-"
Natasha kicked him in the face.
"He's not you moron. Is your brain still frozen?" She rolled her eyes at him. Steve looked at the sparks that flew out of Zola's robotic face.

"You killed my body. But my mind lives on. I'll never die." Zola's voice came from all around them.
"Weirdo." Tony mumbled. "What kind of person doesn't want to die?"

The three carried on down the corridor.
"Another surprise waits for you Steven. Except this one. This one's alive. Just not in your mind."
"What does that even mean?! Can this dude pack it in?" Tony grumbled.

The clearing was there. Shock. Horror. Happiness. Relief. Confusion.
A horrified Peter stood over an unconscious Bucky.
"Peter?!" Tony shouted.
"Bucky?!" Steve breathed.
"Dramatic." Nat rolled her eyes. Again.

"Peter. PETER!"
"Wha-?" Peter was in shock "I don't know what I did. Or how I did it. What even am I?"
"Ok kid. We're going to get you out of here and you're going to tell me everything that happened. Can you walk?"
"I'm going to take that as a no. Cmon kid. Steve can I have the thingy I stuck to your chest?"
"Sure? What even is it?" Tony stuck it to Peter's chest and tapped it like what he did for his own arc. An iron man suit formed around Peter.

"So you're telling me I had to latch on to you to get here when I could have used a suit the whole time. Steve looked at Tony with his disappointed face.
"You're welcome. Besides, you wouldn't know how to use it."
"I have so many questions."
"Love you too." Toby blew a kiss as he left with Peter.

Bucky was stirring and Natasha saw Steve's face.
"I'm sensing tension so imma leave you to it. See you in the car."
"Oh thank god. You brought a car." Nat smiled and walked out the room.

Bucky stood up. Steve knew little Russian but he did know that Bucky just called him a threat and something about killing.
"Who the hell is Bucky."
"James Buchanan Barnes. You."
"I. I know you. Where? When? How?"
"Buck. I'm with you 'ti-"
" 'till the end of the line."

Thanks for reading this- hope you enjoyed it. There will be a short bonus follow up about Peter's powers coming soon 😄
Love you all 🔵

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