Mj meets Natasha (Spideychelle)

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A/N. This is my very first time writing anything so I'm open to any suggestions and requests 💕

Peter was happier than ever. He finally mustered the courage to ask out his crush. You'd think he wouldn't be scared but Mj even scares the headteacher. Nobody screws with Michelle Jones.
He and Mj has been dating for a week and Peter being who he is told his dad straight away.

***** flashback a week *****

"Dad. DAD!!" Peter cried, sliding on his socks, almost giving Tony a heart attack.
"What is it kiddo? Are you hurt! Who hurt you?! Who am I killing!? I'll call Bruce don't move!!" Tony replied getting frantic.
"No dad, calm down. Jeez. I asked Mj out... SHE SAID YES!!!" Peter shouted all throughout the tower.
Tony couldn't help but smile at Peter's ecstatic look.
"Son that's incredible! Why don't you invite her to the tower? I'm sure she'd love to meet everyone. I mean, we are the avengers after all." Peter just rolled his eyes at the last comment. "Really dad? I never knew. The more you know." Peter said sarcastically.
"Wow. You really are my son." Tony smirked up at the boy.

"Wait. Is this the sassy one that's also kinda creepy?" Peter just gave a slight nod. "I'll try my best to reign in Clint and Sam. K bud?"
"Thanks dad." Peter felt slightly better but he still wasn't ready for this. He'd suffer through it for Mj though, he loved her. Truly.

Peter grimaced. He was imagining what all the avengers would say. He was certain they'd embarrass him for at least 5 weeks about his new girlfriend. He could just tell. He definitely wouldn't put it past Clint. Peter shuddered at the thought of what Clint might do to him. He loved him nevertheless.
Poor Clint. He wasn't aware just how sassy Mj could be.

"I'll think about it dad, you know Clint and Sam will do anything to embarrass me."

Tony had a look of pity on his face. "You make a solid point there kiddo. It's your choice though. I could force Clint and Sam to stay at the compound if it's really that bad bud. Just sleep on it, yeah?

"Thanks dad." Peter knew deep down he wanted Mj to meet them. He just didn't want Clint and Sam to be... well be themselves.

God Peter f*****g loved his dad.

"MoooOOOOMMM! I'm hooooooomeeeee!" "I'm hungryyyyyyyy!"
Tony just laughed at the boy. Typical teenager.

***** flash forward to present day*****

Peter walked down to Mj's locker, his palms sweating profusely and head facing the floor.
"Hey Mj"
"Sup loser" Mj replied with a small smile."what's up you look really weird. It's gross. Stop it."

"Sorry. Nothings up." Peter said meekly.

Mj just raised an eyebrow and said "mmmhhhmmm."
Crap. Lying to Mj was useless.

Peter grimaced but it disappeared as soon as it came. "Well I was wondering if you maybe wanted to come to the tower after school to meet my mom and dad ...and some of the avengers." "If you want to though. It's totally fine if you don't want to meet the team."

Peter told Mj about how on the legal things Aunt May was listed as his guardian and how he was biologically Pepper and Tony's son before they even started dating. He trusted Mj and secrets don't last long around her.

Mj had a sudden flash of excitement on her face. Black Widow was her idol.
"Um... ok sure. Why not?" "Black Widow, I mean Natasha, is kinda cool I guess."
Mj was extremely good at hiding her emotions. She loved black widow. I mean, sass icon.

Safe to say Peter was very nervous now. God Clint will be a nightmare. He pulled out his phone and sent a quick text to his dad.

"Mj's coming after school pls make sure they don't embarrass me pls use everything in ur power love u 🔵"

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