Dumb curfew

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Peter swung through the busy streets of Queens, New York City. It's been a slow Saturday. Just the same old robbery or car-jacking. Nothing much. Peter did a few flips and jumps for people he met in the streets, the usual. Boring. "HELP! Someone please!" Peter asked Karen to find the danger and swung over immediately.

"Hey! Get off her!" Peter launched a punch at the robber and he let go of the girl's neck. Peter threw her purse at her and shouted her to run away. The woman thanked him in a broken voice.

"Well. If it isn't spider man." The robber twisted the tip of his knife on the tip of his finger. He suddenly launched a punch at Peter's face. He managed to dodge it because of his spider sense but there was a stabbing pain in his stomach.

Oh. He'd been stabbed. Lovely.

"Oof. Looks like Stark's special suit isn't knife-proof after all. Sucks to be you." The robber tried to ran away but peter still managed to knock him out. He laid him around the corner of the alley where nobody would see him, and swung to Stark Tower to get help. Just as long as Tony didn't find out he'd be fine. "Peter, I've alerted Mr.Stark you've been stabbed- under the delicate flower protocol."
"For gods sake Karen!"

Peter landed on the roof of Stark Tower and rode the elevator down to the penthouse, ignoring the weird look the lady in the elevator was giving him. Thank god he kept his mask on. The elevator dinged and the doors slid open to see a worried Tony pacing the kitchen. "Hey dad. Imma take a shower. NY is filthy." Peter said casually as he strolled past Tony.
"Peter what the hell! There is a knife in your stomach! Go to the med bay for Christ's sake!"

Peter just walked faster but was obstructed by Thor, who scooped him up and carried him back to the elevator and down to the med bay with Tony being fussy all the way there. "Dad I'm fine. Spider powers you know?" Tony just rolled his eyes. As per usual.

It was obvious that Tony had told Bruce about this in advance because there was an empty room with stitching supplies and bandages on a table. Peter didn't even flinch when he slipped from Thor's hands, onto the bed- he just scrunched up his face.

Bruce managed to get the knife out of Peter's stomach but couldn't stitch it- Peter kept laughing at the pictures he was taking of Tony's face, until it was whipped out of his hands by Natasha. When did she get here?

Peter was being bandaged up while Tony was looking at the footage of how Peter got stabbed. "You really should be more careful Pete. I'm setting you a curfew. 11pm." Peter's eyes grew wide and opened his mouth to argue but was cut off by Tony. "No discussion necessary." Peter just hung his head and pouted.

*Time Skip*
11pm and Peter was wide awake. Definitely no sleep tonight. He decided to go down to the lab and sulk passive- aggressively. He slipped out of bed and wandered down to the lab.

"Hey Pete." Tony wasn't surprised to see him there. "Can't sleep?" Peter just shook his head. "I get that you're pissed right now but I care about you and it hurts me when you're hurt. Peter stop giving me puppy dog eyes. I'm not changing the curfew. I'm not..."  Tony just turned away from Peter's face before he broke. Peter smirked.

"Watcha doin?"
"Working on my repulsers. Wanna try one kid?"
"Hell yeah." Peter walked over to Tony but stopped in his tracks when he saw his spider suit locked in one of the suit displays.
"I know you Peter. You honestly think I thought you wouldn't try that?" Tony smirked at Peter's pout. 

Peter tried out the repulser. It reminded of when he was little and used to sit on his Dad's knee and they'd shoot around a room on a chair with wheels. Peter smiled at his dad, it soon turned evil when he shot a big blast at a wall. "I think they work dad."

Tony stared at the hole in the wall and then at peter. "You think? I meant try it on kid. Not put a hole in my wall." "I need some more coffee."

10 minutes passed ant Tony hadn't returned. "Mr Parker. It appears Mr Stark is asleep in the kitchen." Friday informed him. Peter turned towards the door to wake him but stopped when he saw the completed design for his new suit. The one he had designed alone. He intended to surprise Tony with his new suit.

Peter grabbed some tea and began forming the new suit. Nothing would stop him from getting that man who stabbed him. He just can't hurt anyone else. Peter couldn't allow that.

*Time skip*

Peter slipped on the new suit and pushed open the window. He took a deep breath and shot a web. It worked! He began swinging back to where the man was left late yesterday. He turned the corner and found the man still unconscious on the ground, bruises dotted around his face.

He easily picked the weak man up and swung over to a nearby police station and dropped the man on the floor with a note that said-
' I believe you've been looking for him

Peter giggled and turned back out the door, only to be faced with Tony stood right in front of him, iron man suit stood in the background.
"Hey kiddo. Guess what."
"You're grounded!" Tony exclaimed with a sarcastic '😄' face.

Peter just stared at Tony (You couldn't tell because his mask was on but he was) and shot a web and began to swing away as fast as possible- only to be captured by Iron Man and carried back to the tower. They rode the elevator in silence and walked to the living room. They sat opposite each other and Peter took his mask off to reveal him hiding a smirk, Tony's 'serious dad face' wasn't helping.

"Friday alerted me you snuck out."
"Friday you snitch!" Peter exclaimed
"You're welcome Peter." Peter didn't know that robots could sound sarcastic. But here we are.

"Do you even know what a curfew means? It wasn't even that bad! I could have made it 9pm but even 11 wasn't enough for you. I don't even want to know where that suit came from. I'll admire it when I'm less pissed."

"Dad. I'm sorry but I just had to get that man to the police before he hurt anyone else. Not everybody has spider powers you know?"

Tony just sighed at Peter. "You're grounded for a week. No spider man. I want you home straight away after school. Try and get some sleep and I'll obsess over that suit in the morning. K bud?" Tony's face was soft at Peter's sad face. "I get you're pissed as hell but I just care about you kid."

Peter just stalked off to his room and gave his dad a thumbs up. He stripped off his suit and put his pyjamas back on after checking his basically healed wound. There was a knock at the door.

Natasha walked in and sat at the end of Peter's bed.
"Hey Aunt Tasha."
"Hey Pete. Jeez. You look pissed. Tony just really cares about you. That man stabbed you, who's to say he wouldn't try again."
Peter just gave a small nod to her words. She was just saying what Tony said, but nicer.
"Tell you what Pete. I'll let you train with me to fill the time when you patrolled. It's ridiculous how easy it is to beat Steve."
"Really Aunt Nat?!" Peter had been begging to train with her for months.
"Yeah. Don't make me regret it kid." Her voice was stern but she had a big smile on her face.
"Now get some sleep kid. You look exhausted."
"Night Nat."
"Night Pete. Love you.
"Love you too."

Peter was one of the only ones that Natasha actually showed affection to. She was his aunt after all.

I'm not sure about this. I don't really have many ideas so I'd love some requests 💖.

Love you all and thanks for so many reads ☺️💕
-K 🔵

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