The future of Stark

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The year is 2024 and Stark Industries is on top of the world. For the right reasons. Stark Tower was bigger and better than ever. This came down to the new Stark era. Peter Stark was the world's richest, most famous, most loved and most pure man.

Tony was 'retired' and living happily in the penthouse with the rest of the Stark family. Tony still worked with Peter every day. He claimed he was simply just bored and wasting away but secretly there was nothing he adored more. The man literally named his child after him. Ned too but Edward was also Tony's middle name so, agree to disagree.

The floor just under the penthouse was mostly empty as it was for the avengers. They spent most of the time at the compound but they still had their own floor with separate rooms and they had a small training room. Natasha came over more than anyone so her room was the only one that looked like someone actually stayed in it and her older weapons were lining the training room wall. Just because she was visiting her baby spider doesn't mean she's going to miss out on any of her training. Natasha, Mj and Pepper had their own 'badass b***h' room where they would have their girl talk and also discuss recent issues and plan interviews and ways to improve standards at Stark.

Peter and Tony took an incredible turn for the better with a new element to save the planet with clean energy to power pretty much the entire universe. Other breakthroughs had happened too with flight technology and even medical advancements (with Bruce's help).
People may not like Tony, but the world loves Peter.

Mj was considered the new Pepper Potts. Only even better. Mj was famous for being an activist, supporting feminism and also being a climate activist. She adores helping her husband with new ways to save the planet. Mj was head of HR at Stark Industries. She also ran internships, interviews and was still Natasha's 'intern'. Mj was the world's 'most badass female in charge'. She worked alongside  Pepper as she too, wasn't ready to let go of her role just yet. Mj's businesses techniques were like no other. She made Stark the most loved and trusted company in the world.

Ned Leeds. Head of Security both online and in real life. Ned may not seem perfectly suited for the roll but after intense training from Happy, (who popped in now and again, unlike Pepperony, he was actually 100% retired) Ned was SI's 'the guy in the chair'. Ned also worked with Tony and Bruce now and again on smaller projects.
Ned has worked with Peter recently on upgrading the security gates and security cards. With Ned on board, Stark was safer than ever.

It was safe to say that Peter was attached to Karen. He loved Friday. But he missed Jarvis. That ai was his childhood in the tower. Peter worked for a whole day with no sleep to have all three of the AIs up and running all throughout the tower. It took 2 days for Tony to realise how much he missed Jarvis.

All this change and growth with the business got hectic at times. But Spider-Man was more powerful than ever. Just because he was an avenger doesn't mean he won't stop protecting the little guy. After his reveal, Tony and Peter completely revolutionised Spider-Man. His webs were stronger and even more combinations were added to the vast selection. Peter had a 'spider heart' suit which was rarely used for patrol because he wasn't quite used to the thrusters yet. Peter's drones were faster and sleeker than ever.

The 'science dads' lab was incredible. A wide, vast space with suits lining the back wall. There was a desk attached to the ceiling and a small, black path stood out against the glass walls for Peter to walk on and hang off. There were fridges and coolers everywhere, science was hungry work. There were wide tables dotted around the room, covered in papers and random bits of metal or chemicals. In the centre of the room there were two suits suspended from the ceiling, obviously being upgraded by the looks of the parts all over the floor.

Life at Stark may be busy and hectic but Peter was happy. He had done so much for the world. He had created so much. Nothing beat the creation of his kids though. Peter was happy.

I'd really love some requests as I'm low on ideas. I'll do any ship 💕
Love you all🔵

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