Oscorp fun

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A/N. Pepper and Tony are married and Peter is their biological 4 year old son.

Ugh. Oscorp. A bunch of overrated assholes who only invited Tony over to bore him to death and steal his ideas. They never carried out his suggestions decently. But they still stole them. Tony did not want to go there alone. He couldn't. They purposely hire a person with the most monotonous voice just to annoy him. They must do. It's the only explanation.

Most of the avengers turned him down. They felt sorry for the guy though, it's just they couldn't stand anybody there, same as Tony. At least it was optional for them. Tony secretly wanted to bring Peter. Pete always makes him laugh and makes him generally happy. Plus, Peter was getting better at insults every day. Like father like son.

"Hey Pete."
"Hey dad."
"Fancy a day out?"
"Where we goin'?"
"But I heard you tell Auntie Tasha that they were all basic bitches." Tony raised his eyebrows and gasped at Peter's language.
"Peter Benjamin!"
"Anthony Edward." Peter smirked at Tony.
"Promise me you'll never say that again?"
"Say what? Bitch?"
Tony sighed but laughed at the small smirk on Peter's face. "Yes. That."
"But how come you say it but I can't."
"Because Daddy's a grown up bud."
"No fair." Peter sulked.
"I'll go to oscorp if I can wear my iron dad onesie."
"Deal kid. Now go get your dinner and hurry up because we've got to be there at 12:30."

Peter finished his sandwich and ran to his room with Steve close behind as Tony was getting dressed. Steve helped Peter into his onside and packed a bag for Peter because toddlers have short attention spans and 0 bladder control. Tony said goodbye to Steve as he took the bag from Steve and scooped up Peter in his other arm. They made their way down to the garage and slid into the closet car- Natasha's black Porsche. Tony plopped Peter into his car seat in the back and pulled out and iron man action figure for Peter.

They soon arrived at oscorp- fashionably late because Peter wanted a churro and Tony would do anything to spend as little time there as possible. A bland old man with beige trousers and a grey sweater (ew) stepped out to greet them with a monotone voice- as expected. "Hello Mr.Stark and..."
"Also Mr.Stark"
"Ah. The young Stark is adorable." Tony was reminded of Thor when he said 'young Stark' and smirked.
"My name's Peter."
"That's nice." The man sounded almost sarcastic. "I'm Paul." God. Even his name is boring.

They walked into the entrance and rode the elevator up to the R&D floors while listening to Paul explain the history of oscorp. Nothing Tony cares about. Peter was holding his hand and padded out of the elevator. When they got to the first table, Peter held out his arms to Tony- he wanted 'up'. Tony was just playing with Peter and not paying attention to whatever crap Paul was droning on about.

Peter was soon asleep, his head buried in Tony's shoulder. "Mr Stark!" Paul 'shouted' but his voice barely got louder. At least Tony was paying attention. "We were working on radioactive spiders as a form of weaponry but we've got no results. They're being killed off as we speak. Tony could see a man in a hazmat suit opening the cases and collecting up the spiders. What he didn't see was a spider sneak out of the case and up his leg, getting closer to Peter- he was too busy planning a new suit for Steve- America's ass ripped his suit doing a backflip.

The spider edged down Peter's arm and sunk its fangs deep into his hand- releasing the venom into his bloodstream. Peter just wriggled in Tony's arms and gave a small "wha-  ugh." before going back to sleep.

About 15 minutes later, Tony was finally released from hell and Peter awoke when they were in the car. "Daaaaad!" That made Tony jump.
"My hand hurts. Ooooh cool it's green. Niceeee!" Tony put the car in auto drive and swivelled around.
"Your hand's WHAT?!"
"Look I've got two green dots on my hand. Look how cool it is!"
"Peter. We'll have to find Bruce. It may look cool but it's not normal."
Peter just shrugged his shoulders- too engrossed in how 'cool' his hand looked.

Stark Tower soon came into view and Tony parked Natasha's Porsche in its rightful spot. Tony pulled Peter out the car seat and grabbed the bag. "Dad it's not cool anymore. It hurts." Peter pouted.
"Aw bud. We'll find Bruce to make it better, yeah?"

Tony just dumped the bag in the penthouse and went to find Bruce in his room.
"Bruce!" "Peter's been bitten and it's GREEN!"
"It's what?!"
Bruce rushed over to Peter and grabbed his hand to see it. "Let's go down to the med bag Pete." Bruce said, grabbing his glasses.
Tony dumped Pete on the table in the med bay and held Peter's hand while Bruce took some blood. Peter didn't cry, that was strange. Bruce looked at the rest of Peter's body and everything was normal. Everything seemed normal until Bruce finally got the results from Peter's blood later that night. "What the actual hell!" "Friday. Call Tony down here it's urgent."
"Yes science bro #2" Bruce sighed at the name. At least it was better than some Hulk reference.

Tony came rushing into the lab. "You said it's urgent?" Tony sounded flustered.
"Tony his blood. I'm not sure how to explain this in a way that'll make sense but I'll try."

"Ok. So the radioactive spider bit Peter and released some of its DNA into Peter's bloodstream. It won't kill him as it wasn't poisonous. However, Peter will become half- spider as such. No. That sounded wrong.
What's going to happen is Peter will inherit some of the spider's genetic abilities."

"Peter's going to get powers?" Tony cocked his eyebrows in a confused way at Bruce's jumbled words.
"Yeah." Bruce was expressionless, he didn't want to react in a way that Tony didn't like."
"What are they?" Tony was apprehensive, almost scared to hear the answer.
"He'll be able to shoot webs and swing from them, super strength, ability to walk on walls and probably more."

"Tony it's up to you to train him how to make use of these powers. Up to you to train him to be a hero." Bruce was more serious than ever.
"Yeah yeah. Stop being such a pessimist. As if a little bean like Peter is capable of being a villain."

Tony looked deep in thought, going over what powers Peter had and how he could help Pete handle them and train him to be a hero.

"So he's some kind of ... spider man?"

A/N pt.2.
Thank you for reading this and feel free to comment or message requests
Hope you enjoyed and I love you all💕
-K 🔵

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