Chapter 7 - Make Way For The Queen

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I was in the same position when Clary burst through the door in all her unruly glory, followed by the voices of Tanya and Sandy; I kept my eyes on the fan blade, not sparing the girls a glance just yet.

"Hey look girls, the queen is awake." Clary's voice rung out, a higher pitch than usual, I smirked as I started to count every rotation of the blade, abandoning my thoughts of Mr. Dimaano for now.

"Well, hello Miss Shantour, it seems to me like you may be a tad upset, whatever could have happened to provoke such an unbecoming mood?"

"Oh you know, not much, just sometimes I get a little frustrated when I have to play carrier pigeon, for people who are perfectly capable of getting out of bed and going to school."

"How dare someone use you like that? I swear some people have most disgusting manners these days."

"You tell me, Miss Devout, you seem to know quite a bit in that area of friendship, how was lying on your ass all day while we were in school anyway? Hmm? Everything you ever thought it could be?"

"I don't have a clue what you are talking about, I've been sick, too sick for human contact even, I couldn't have possibly gone to school like this, I'll catch my death, without my immune system being at full strength that is." I smiled slightly, I always enjoy the occasional banter, and Clary seems to be the only person whom can consistently keep up with me, and I loved her for it.

"Well I do hope your immune system, is strong for visitors now; Sandy and Tanya, have been asking about you so much, you know because of the rumours of your death going around." Clary stated, addressing the two girls to me officially since they had come into the room, they had stayed quiet while Clary and I had our exchange.

"Rumours that you started no doubt. Hi girls!" I finally greeted the girls, not taking my eyes off of the fan, smiling to the heavens when they sent hellos my way, asking how I was feeling, 'oh I suppose I'm alright now, not contagious at least!' I had replied.

"As you can see girls, she is the perfect picture of health," I coughed loudly and rudely interrupting her, "I knew when I watched her get up this morning to get breakfast she was fine, no one sick gets up that early and chipper!"

"You saw wrong, I thought I was feeling well, but I came back because I felt too sick to eat, you can see my food right there," I pointed in the general direction of my dresser, sitting across the room, "I haven't eaten all day, I really was feeling ill, too sick to eat!"

"Well you're better now then?"

"I'm better now." I confirmed.

"Great cause we have a lot to fill you in on, you've missed so much and its only been three days!" Tanya spoke this time, her sweet voice made me smile, I turned to finally glance at my friend.

"Good gracious!" She's right, a lot had changed in only three days, "Tanya, your hair, it's red! And Sandy your lips!" Tanya's eyes had never looked so green, her hair framed her face ever so nicely and reached down to the middle of her back, she looked positively glorious, and Sandy's lips, a dark and rich burgundy colour, contrasting her pale face and blonde shoulder length hair, her face looked more angular and her cheek bones looked higher, she was very elegant looking, I wasted no time voicing my opinion of their new looks. They blushed accepting the compliments.

The girls and I spoke for hours on that Thursday night and by the end I was fully caught up, I knew all the gossip, right to the point where I was firmly reminded for a third time that Clary did, in fact, have dibs on Kirkos. I smiled at the three girls, Sandy had made herself comfortable on my bed, while Tanya and Clary had settled down on her bed, I'm glad I had friends like these, by the end of the night my confidence was soaring and I couldn't wait for this weeks last school day to start.

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