Chapter 15 - Jezebel

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"So I was browsing twitter this morning while you were in the shower, and some lady sent in a confession that she had a fever and when she went to take her temperature she accidently used her son's rectal thermometer instead of the oral one."


"Like there are so many things wrong with that whole situation."


"First of all why does she keep the oral and rectal thermometers in the same place? And honestly I'm not sure I would be able to insert anything into my child in that area, like what kind of a person buys rectal thermometers, you know?"


"Hey! I am not having this conversation with myself, speak!" Clary startled me out of my reverie, we were walking to our first classes of the day and I was not excited about seeing Mr Dimaano, he had preoccupied my thoughts all last night and I had hardly gotten any sleep due to my tossing and turning ... and remembering.

"Oh um sorry, maybe... I don't know things change when you get older? Like she grew the baby inside of her so it can't be that weird for her to take her son's temperature like that?"

"I wouldn't, it's still weird."

"That's true."

After we had gone our separate ways my stomach began to feel heavy, and cheeks involuntarily reddened, feeling embarrassed, and then feeling angry about feeling embarrassed, I step into Mr. Dimaano's classroom, most of my peers already in their seats.

I avoid his eye as I make my way to my seat, smiling softly at Gavriel.

"Hey hon, how have you been holding up?" I try not to sound too sympathetic, not wanting him to think I pity him.

"Well, I passed Nicolas in the hall today, he didn't even look at me."

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I'm over it."

"He said, clearly not over it." I earned a small chuckle and it made me smile.

The class was excruciatingly awkward, I all but looked at Mr Dimaano, though I did feel his eyes slide over to me a few time during his lecture on forms, I made a point of not taking a single note.

As the class neared to the end Mr Dimaano made an announcement for all of the assignments to be handed in before we left for next period. I got into the line forming at his desk, placing my photos down in their bundle (I used my original five, I didn't need him for anything), I tried to make a quick getaway, until, "Miss Devout please wait a moment before leaving".

I huffed and stood to the side as the rest of the line emptied, some kids remained in their seats either waiting to have a chance to talk to the teacher or just taking a little longer to go.

"I noticed you didn't take a single note," I could tell he was giving me a pointed look but refused to meet his eye as I cocked my head to the side and crossed my arms.

"In a move to help save the environment I decide to only use paper when necessary and not waste it by recording any useless information." He kissed his teeth, my cheeks heated at my own rashness, I was being just as immature as he accused me of being.

"Watch yourself, I expect tomorrow you will have your books, a pencil in your hand, and you writing a note of everything I say, leave now, tomorrow I expect differently from you" Now he really was treating me like a child, without saying another word I left in haste.

At lunch I was met with five friendly faces and we discussed our plans for the weekend, Clary proposed we all go to Josh's and the conversation took a turn as an excited buzz fell over our group.

A few nights neared and in preparation for the weekend Clary, Gavriel, and I went shopping.

"Hey guys, lets make one more stop, I need some lingerie." Gavriel looked at Clary with raised brows.

"Well well miss are you a La Senza or Victoria's Secret sort of lady?"

"La Senza" Clary and I stated ensemble, we giggled as we entered the store.

"Really I thought that VS was where all the hype was at."

"Please I rarely step into that store," I say with a laugh, "Victoria's Secret is just good at marketing, or if you are an A or B cup, anything above that and the ten pounds of padding they stuff into those bras become, lets say a bit inconvenient."

"Seriously, I put my boobs into a Victoria's secret bra and one little jiggle and they try to jump right back out." Clary adds. "Plus La Senza has 7 for $27 dollar panties and VS is like 3 for $30"

I walk further into the store leaving Clary and Gavriel by some mannequins a little black number catches my eye, it was lingerie, a lacy black one piece, I couldn't help the images that flashed, of me and Matthew on his couch. I bet he wouldn't have stopped if I was wearing this, virgin or not.

"Oh that's cute," Gavi says walking up beside me, "Whose this for? Anyone in particular? Jonathan?" I blush I had been friendly with Jonathan this past week, I was only friendly, but I didn't mind when he flirted, at least he wanted me.

"No no, just admiring," I answer his questions.

"Hey, Nicki are you a virgin?"

"Yes," I smile, letting him know that he can ask without feeling weird about it, I mean we were underwear shopping together we were at that level.

"I thought so," He grinned, looking over at Clary, "How about you?"



"Problem?" Clary raised her brow at him.

"Nope" He flashed her a grin too, looking mischievous he leaned toward me, "Slut" he whispered, in a way she could hear and laughed when she slugged him on the arm, I rolled my eyes and giggled along with them.

When Clary made her selection we made our way out of the store,

"What's the racy lace for anyway?"

"I'm gonna screw your brother this weekend Butch."

"Way to plan it out, Jezebel," said Gavi, he smirked hooking his arm over my shoulder. Clary just threw a wink back at us but kept on walking.

Weekend here we come.

Ladies and Gents patient as always, I love you.

"Hey, Santa, it's me, Johnny. Remember I'm the one that beat you up last year 'cause I thought you were a burglar?" – JohnnyB

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