Chapter 1 - Teach Me

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Picture is of Nicolette Devout

I was not an introvert, I did enjoy hanging out with friends and occasionally going to a party or two, yet I still need time to recuperate and rebound into my natural rhythm of quite nights, with a book and a bath, or a movie. On this night, Clarissa in her true unruly fashion convinced me to join her on a 'club raid' as she says. Unfortunately on coincidence I had been reading a lot of 'you only live once' motivational posters and sayings, influencing my decision.

So I told my parents I'd be going to Clarissa's house over the weekend to keep her company while her parents are out of town; we stayed in Friday night watching movies, because usually after my parents lose their initial vigor of checking in on me with phone calls, I'll only get the occasional text.

Saturday morning we spent prepping me for our night out, Clarissa did a club raid on the weekly-monthly basis with her more promiscuous friends, so she knew what to expect; I on the other hand was about to go into a club under aged for the first time; and surprisingly that took a lot of training.

"I'm glad you're finally doing this with me Nicki." Clarissa offered me another encouraging smile, as she added yet another layer of mascara onto my dark smokey eyes. The corners of my mouth tugged downward as I tried to keep my eyelids from twitching.

"I'm still not sure if I can do this Clary, you might be good at acting like a twenty-five year old, but they'll know for sure that I couldn't be older then seventeen." Clary gave me a stern look.

"You know that my sister is only twenty-two, not twenty-five, plus it's not like you have to have a conversation with the bouncer, he just has to look and see if you match the picture on the I.D. You already look enough like my cousin, and by making your eye makeup dark you look twenty-one so you match her age; honestly you probably wont have to say a word, but just in case how about we practice?"


"Yes, you have to know this information backwards and forward so that when it comes time to get questioned, if you get questioned, about it you don't hesitate and therefore don't look like a suspicious teenager." I begrudgingly let out a sigh.

"Okay lets do this."


"Andria Wilson."


"April twenty-third, nineteen ninety-three." Clarissa opened her mouth to continue but a honk from outside alerted us of the cab arriving, standing to put our shoes on I grabbed my gold clutch that held my phone, emergency money, and lip gloss.

As we walked out the door Clarissa turned to me, "Make sure you know how to spell her first, middle and last name." Andria's middle name was Marie so I wasn't too worried about messing up, but studied the card over and over nonetheless.

The nerves hit me as the cab pulled up to the club, older young drunken people were waiting in a longish line to enter the club the scandalously dressed women were eyeing potential bed mates or their own boyfriends. Loud men were checking out said women, some even boldly stating what they would like to do by the end of the night.

The entire scene was completely overwhelming and I began to panic, without the safety of the cab to protect us from our onlookers. I pulled my short black dress down in embarrassment. Clary rolled her eyes at my antics.

"Would you relax, just look around most of these women are dressed much sluttier than us, so I'm sure if you meet a guy he wont think your less of a lady just because you're showing a little skin."

It was true, as we walked to the back of the line I observed the other women and suddenly the black dress with full length arms, cut-outs on the sides, and mid thigh length didn't seem so bad. I had paired it with black and gold peep-toe stilettos and a black and gold clutch, it was a classy type of sexy. Honestly even Clarissa's blue halter-top that dipped low on her back to just above her bottom and mid thigh length didn't seem too risky.

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