Chapter 19 - Saved By The Bell

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The following week was nothing short of awkward and I had run myself ragged by Friday.

In class, it was as if I didn't exist, it could be my imagination but it was as if Mr Dimaano didn't even look in my direction. I felt embarrassed constantly and all my emotions eventually boiled down to a subtle burning in my chest, a mix of anger, pride, sadness, and anxiety, the latter due to my appointment at the hospital a few days ago when I got checked for any STI's I may have received, I know I used condoms but my recollection was hazy and I wanted to be certain, my friends agreed to go with me so I wouldn't be alone. I knew they weren't judging me but I couldn't help but be paranoid about what they say when I'm not around.

My mood had deteriorated throughout the week, and I had lost some water weight, I wasn't eating enough because I constantly felt nauseous, as someone with a fast metabolism and was already thin, my weight loss made me look sickly rather than cute.

And yet, there I was sitting in the dinning hall at our usual both pushing Brussels sprouts around my plate.

"Nicki," glancing up I noticed the faces of each of my friends had turned towards me, I hadn't realized the conversation had stopped, Clary looked at me with a concerned frown, "What is going on with you girl? You've been distant all week."

"Clary," Tanya stressed her name, "You know why," turning towards me she gave me a half smile, "Sorry if we seem non-empathetic, but we really are concerned about you." I notice a twitched in Clary's jaw as she tried to hold back her words.

"No you guys are right, I'm sorry I don't know why I'm letting it affect me like this," I knew why, but it wasn't the same reason they thought, "I just seem to have fallen into a funk I can't get out of."

"Well in that case lets go out this weekend," Clary chirped, noticeably excited staying true to her wild style nature.

"Uh no, that's what got her in trouble in the first place." Kirkos gave her a look making her pout right back at him.

"That's exactly why she needs to go out again." I raised a brow at this.

"I don't follow."

"Look if you spend too long associating you losing your v-card to partying, you'll be scarred for life and will never be able to have a good time again!"

"That's not true," Kirkos scoffed at the same time I said, "That makes sense," he gave me a bewildered look, "Nicki, you're not actually buying this are you?" I might have just been looking for an excuse to forget about the humiliation of the past week but that didn't stop me from nodding at him.

"You girls are crazy, and don't come crying to me when this goes south," Kirkos stated throwing up his hands and shaking his head, Clary frowned.

"Oh be quiet Kirkos, you don't know anything, Nicki messed up one time I've seen her drunker before it's not like she'll make the same mistake twice."

"You don't know what will happen Clary, it's pretty ignorant of you to have view like that." 

"It's pretty ignorant of you to assume she'll just sleep with anyone who makes a move on her," Clary huffed, folding her arms and turning slightly away. Kirkos shook his head and looked to me.

"That's not what I meant to imply, but," he paused seeming to search for the right words, "I'm just saying ... be careful."

"I will," I gave him a curt nod, and with that we were saved by the bell, Clary and I made our way to fourth period as the classes were close to each other.

"God, he can be so condescending sometimes, I think he thinks because he's moved a lot he has more experience than we do, just cause we grew up differently doesn't automatically make him worldly." As she ranted, it dawned on me that I hadn't even realized they weren't in their honeymoon stage anymore, I was so wrapped up in my own problems that it completely passed by me that someone else might be having problems.

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