Chapter 3 - I Don't Like Pets

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Picture is of Clary Shantour

Breathe in, 1..2..3, breathe out, 1..2..3. Okay, you can do this. He is just a really hot guy who happens to be your teacher, you are professional and can handle any type of situation; even if dark hair and blue eyes is exactly your type, you must first act professional before you can be professional.

Standing in front of Mr. Dimaano's classroom door I found myself trying to gather my wit so I wouldn't look like a fool in front of him; it's not that looks usually had an affect on me, but from what happened yesturday well... I just want to be prepared the next time I see him is all.

I bought two coffees and bagels because it was early and I wanted to make an attempt on getting on his good side, if there is one. Breathing in another sigh I tighten my uniform tie and adjust my blouse before reaching out my hand to knock.

My hand hits air as the door is pulled open to reveal Mr. Dimaano.

"I see, you seem to have a problem with doors." I rolled my eyes inwardly and tried to take the humain approach.

"Good morning, Mr. Dimaano I would like to discuss a few things with you, if you're not busy."

"Well Miss Devout you seem to have caught me at a bad time, not that I wouldn't LOVE to spend my morning time with you and not doing something I enjoy; but I have a strict rule against talking to people before I have coffee, so if you would excuse me." I stepped in front of him before he could avoid me and held up the coffees.

"You're in luck! I don't know how you like your coffee so I brought the sugar and milk on the side; and also brought you a bagel in case you get snackish." Sighing he gave me a tight lipped smile and stepped to the side so I could have a clear walking way into the classroom.

"So tell me Miss Devout what have I done to be graced with your presence today?" He said as he sat behind his desk. This time I rolled my eyes outwardly at his behavior, taking my time handing him his coffee and bagel while setting up mine and sitting on top of a desk in front of him, crossing my legs in a lady like fashion. I didn't fail to notice his eyes flickering down to my movements, making me scoff quietly, he's just a man, nothing I can't handle.

"Did they know they were hiring a twelve year old when they picked you?" Even I was surprised by my statement, normally I wouldn't have the courage to say anything like that out loud; my wide eyes mirrored his open mouth.

"Excuse me? I'm a lot older than twelve I can assure you that." Obviously. I already made my statement, to go back on it now would be toture for my pride, pushing my shame aside I jabbed another insult.

"Oh my apologies sir, I must have been mistaken, your immature and unprofessional attitude must have tipped me off."

"Huh, and here I thought you came here to brown nose me, if I knew your intention was to insult me I wouldn't have let you in."

"Brown nose you? I may go the extra mile for my grades, but even a student like me has standards."

"Is that why you spent the last two months sucking up to Mr. Nashuki?"

"What's wrong with Mr. Nashuki?"

"Nothing is wrong with Mr. Nashuki himself, but the man makes a living by selling out other unsuspecting people of whom most of the time don't truly deserve it. He sent me an email before he began already telling me all about how he thought you were shaping up to be the next him and I just don't have the need to respect people like that."

"So that's how you remembered my name."

"Wait, what?" His bewildered expression told me I had caught him off gaurd.

"You've been calling me Miss Devout, Head Mistress Yvoni only said it once. I expect someone like you wouldn't remember such an insignificant fact. Now I know why you know my name, but that's all you really know about me except for some offhand knowledge someone whom used to teach me has told you; and I believe someone in your line of work shouldn't be so quick to judge."

Slowly half his mouth turned up in a smirk. "Okay Miss Devout, you've caught me. Tell you what, I'll give you a clean slate in my minds eye, and your next work wont be marked with bias. Bring me a picture that truly makes you happy by Monday and I'll see if you have what I'm looking for on this spring breaks internship."

"Monday? You haven't even given the other students a dead line, how on earth is that fair and unbias?"

"I thought you were the type of student to go the extra mile for a good mark." Frowning at how he used my own words against me, slowly standing up and gathering my garabage I gave him a pleasant smile.

"See you in class, Mr. Dimaano."

"My pleasure, Miss Devout." I felt a shiver run down my spine as I walked out of the room, for anyone whom might have heard the comment it sounded polite, but I saw the way he looked at me smirking, I don't know but it just didn't sound like the rest of our conversation, actually it sounded like it belonged to a completely different conversation entirely! No, no that's silly, Clarissa's right I seem to have developed a crush for Mr. Dimaano, and am now seeing things that aren't really there; honestly though, who wouldn't? The man's completely gorgeous and has a sharp tongue to match, that would make any girl want something to appear from nothing.

With twenty minutes to go until class began I started rushing back to the dorm so I could gather my books and walked back to the main campus with Clarissa, I hope she is awake...

Teach Me(Student/Teacher)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora