"I don't understand my cuteness," I said. "One of Zara's friend made a move on me."

"See I should be worried about someone taking you," Hannah said as she held on to me tightly. "You're so innocent."

"Not that innocent anymore," I said.

"Because of me," Hannah said with a laugh.

"When you said you were worried about me, what did you mean by that?"

Hannah tentatively bit her lips before answering. "I guess it was my insecurities. I'm afraid that someone is going to be taken from me."

"I thought that was my insecurity," I said.

"Well we both can't be that way," Hannah stated. "That won't be good."

I maneuver myself on top of Hannah. My fingers glide down her smooth taut stomach, slowly but deliberately as they make their way down.

Hannah's breath catches in her throat as her eyes focus on me.

"Only you make me feel this way." I trail light kisses down her neck as they follow my fingers to find their mark. It causes Hannah to let out a breath. "I don't want to touch or kiss anyone as I do with you." I removed my finger as I placed gentle kisses on Hannah's inner thigh.

"Cara," Hannah moans softly.

I lower my head to her, causing Hannah to gasp as I worked to bring her to the brink of bliss.

I thought we were never going to leave my bedroom, but we finally did to make some food. We were sitting on the island eating fried rice and vegetable soup.

"I'm curious about something," I said as I turned toward Hannah. "Remember that night we went to Fabio's after-party and you said you were someone I would have hated?"

Hannah's face turned pink as she turned away from me. She coughed uncomfortably.

"What did you mean by that?"

"I...I wasn't myself back then," Hannah admitted.

I stared at her with confusion. "Then what were you like?"

Hannah pursed her lips together as she debated with what she wanted to say. "Wild and selfish."

"Like Amanda?"

"Oh god." Hannah frowned at the realization.

"Wowwwwww." I could imagine myself looking like the surprised Pikachu meme.

"Not exactly like her," Hannah said quickly. "I was just trying to...."

"Get over someone?"

"Yeah," Hannah said with a nod. "I was so angry and hurt that I didn't think clearly."

"Well, I"m glad you realized that you deserved better," I said.

"And better is what I have." Hannah wrapped her arms around me.

"It's hard imagining you like Amanda," I said. "Now that I know you."

"Cara," Hannah complained.

I ruined the mood. "Sorry."

"Forgiven. Now let's do those dishes." She attempted to grab my bowl, but I moved it away from her.

"I'll do the dishes." I slipped out of my chair and grabbed everything from the island.

"Cara, you have to let me help," Hannah stated.

"I like doing them my way," I explained as I headed to the kitchen sink. I placed everything inside as I went to grab the sponge, I saw a small black spider hanging on the wall. I jumped back in fright.

"What's wrong?" Hannah ran toward me.

"Spider!" I pointed toward it, surprised that I could still move.

Hannah calmly grabbed a paper towel and pounced on it in one swift motion. She squeezed the paper towel into a ball and walked over to the step trash can and tossed it in.

I could feel my eyes widen as I watched her.

Hannah turned back toward me. "What?"

"I've never been more attracted to you til now."

A look of disbelief spread across Hannah's face. "Because I got the spider." She pointed her thumb toward the trash can.

I nodded as I went to hug her.

"I guess I have to make sure no one gets the bugs in front of you," Hannah joked.

"It's not like that," I argued. "I can't believe you got it."

"I grew up on a farm," Hannah answered. "That's not the worst thing I've seen."

"I feel so lucky." I held her tighter.

"Who normally gets the bugs for you?"

"Jane," I answered.

"You've never been attracted to Jane?"

"When she does it, it involves a lot of screaming," I answered.

Hannah laughed at my answer. "I love the dynamic between you two."

"You should have seen her at the party," I said. "When she's drunk she's very affectionate. She asked Zara if she wanted to make out?"

"Oh wow, Amanda will be happy about that," Hannah replied.

"Huh?" I took a step back from Hannah and stared at her in confusion.

"We ran into Jane at a clothing store and Amanda was checking her out," Hannah said. " I tried to tell Amanda that Jane was straight, but she saw it differently."

"Jane does make me wonder sometimes, but I think she's is into the hetero side of things," I explained.

The apartment door buzzard rang.  We both turned to look at it.

"It's probably Amanda," Hannah said. "She wanted to go shopping for her new apartment." She walked over to the intercom and pressed the button."

My eyes widened even more. So she is really moving to New York.

"Hannah Banana, I've got a surprise for you," Amanda's voice came out in a sing-song kind of way.

"Okay, but it better be good," Hannah answered back.

"If it's another child again, I'm hiding in my room," I stated. "I don't need to be called mommy again."

"And you're going to leave me with her?" Hannah placed her hand on her hip and gave me a look.

"I'll stick behind you," I said as I quickly took my place beside Hannah. "I'm glad that Tommy knows better now than to let her up."

"Why did he?"

"He said that 'she was scary hot,'" I deadpanned.

Hannah shook her head.  "I'm not surprised."

Amanda's quick knocks alerted us that she was here. Hannah and I both looked at each other as we sighed.

Hannah opened the door as I tried my best to not run. I really wish I could because the sight in front of me was enough for me to pass out. Amanda stood next to a very tall man. He looked like he could be a part of a Wrangler Jeans commercial. He wore a baseball cap and he was dressed in a plaid shirt and jeans. His blonde beard had specs of grey in them.

"Dad?" Hannah stood frozen in shock.

Author's note: Hello again. I apologize for the long update. I've been trying to figure out the rest of the story and work has been stressful. I will try to get back on track so that I can give this story a good ending. Thank you to everyone that has been reading, commenting and voting. It means a lot to me.

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