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Sorry this update is a little late!  Hopefully this chapter makes sense... let me know what you think.  It's not a brand new character... just a different side of one.

Eyes that glowed molten silver gleamed and blazed even brighter as they met her own eyes she knew shown with her own feral nature. Her lips tipped upwards with the Omega's triumph. A predator's smile.

Alpha was here.

Omega had challenged him for years during her heat. Intimately knew the power that flowed through the male's body. Knew what he was capable of when his beast came to the surface. Now that was free of the bonds her human half imposed on her, she and her mate would rid themselves of this fraudulent Alpha who thought to threaten them.

She knew every inch of her mate. She had licked his body, traced his muscles with her fingers, and caressed the planes of his face with her gaze for the last fifteen years. There wasn't a mark on his body that she didn't know intimately. The human half of her Alpha was a controlled burn. Malcolm was hot and fiery but like a bonfire. He blazed high and hot but always in control and within his self-imposed boundaries.

The Alpha who ripped off a three inch thick steel door like it was tissue paper wasn't controlled. This Alpha was a raging firestorm. This Alpha was her Malcolm, but he was so much more.

That more called to the primal Omega.

"Kneel and stay!" Christoph's rough voice deepened with the force of the Alpha command he pushed at her. He didn't wait for her to comply, but used his left leg to sweep behind her knees and pressure from his hands on her wrists to force her compliance.

"Stay!" he commanded again before turning his back to her to face the Alpha stalking his way across the cement warehouse floor unaware of the building danger he'd left at his back.

He expected her to obey.

Omega's grin widened.


From behind Malcolm, shooting out of the dark recesses of the warehouse came another familiar Alpha figure. Like Malcolm, Telia had changed. The Alpha female had always been athletic and statuesque, but the feminine form prowling across the concrete floor resembled more of a predator and less of a civilized Alpha.

Telia's eyes flickered towards Selah but didn't linger once she found Ashlyn's still form draped over the side of the cot. Her hazel eyes that were often filled with laughter at Ashlyn's antics had morphed until the gold became the predominant color. Fierce golden eyes that burned with a cold rage locked on the Alpha male kneeling behind her mate.

Tobias had turned towards the commotion from his kneeling position behind the unconscious female where he'd been unbuckling his belt. Telia's low growl issued a challenge to the other Alpha that Tobias rose to meet. The two Alphas meet with such a force that the slap of skin on skin echoed through the room. Flashing golden eyes and teeth that were much longer than normal tore into the male who dared to touch her bonded mate. The female Alpha ignored the weapons that Omega could see on her belt in the haze of primal fury.

Omega watched the female Alpha carefully. She shouldn't allow this female in her domain, but this wasn't really her territory. It wasn't her nest. Her nest comprised warm soft things that smelled like the spice of her Alpha not this place that smelled of rust and blood.

Friend, a soft voice whispered in her head. She recognized the voice of her human. With a low growl, she turned her attention from the unconscious Omega and battling Alphas to face the true object of her rage.

The raging Alphas in front of her horrified the soft part of her that the Omega had usurped. Selah worried for her mate's safety, but Omega, who normally only made this strong of an appearance during her heat, cooed to the soft female in her head, Good mate. Good Alpha.

This was exactly as it should be. Her mate was protecting his female and their young from an interloper. The soft voice in her head retreated.

Her Alpha was strong.

He was fierce.

He was a beast.

He was hers.

The imposter had ordered her to stay. This time her extended incisors pricked her bottom lip as a vicious, feral sound escaped her. She challenged her own mate to secure her submission during her heat, and this asshole thought she would follow his orders? This false Alpha who thought to threaten her unborn young and her true Alpha?

Glowing gray eyes met hers, and her feral grin widened as her mate's eyes rounded in surprise before a right hook to the jaw made his head tip back. When his head snapped back to the fight in front of him, his attention was once again on the fake Alpha who thought to separate them. With a movement so fast it looked like a blur, her Alpha had the other on his knees with his arms locked behind his head facing her.

Omega lowered a hand to the floor and curled her fingers to prepare herself, but a familiar snarl rippled down her spine with a command that shook her core and made slick gather on her folds, "Run, Omega."

Her Alpha's order vibrated through her body in a way that the false Alpha couldn't duplicate. Slick pooled between her legs, and her head dipped in submission. For a moment, she shifted her weight so that when she stood she'd be able to avoid the two fighting sets of Alphas.

Until she remembered who she was. She was Omega.

A subtle shift and her head lifted to refocus her attention on the false Alpha restrained by her mate. Her Alpha stood tall and strong behind their foe. The kneeling male's forearms threaded under her Alpha's thickly muscled arms wrapping around the back of his head trapping him in a nearly unbreakable hold that left him immobile his torso vulnerable.

Prey, she snarled softly.

Not softly enough.

Her Alpha's eyes swung towards hers, but before he could give voice to the command she saw in his eyes, she pushed off the concrete floor and sprinted the twenty feet to where her he held their enemy. Alphas weren't the only ones who were fast, and before he could stop her with another growled command, she was on the false Alpha.

This vermin had threatened her. Threatened her mate. Threatened her young.

Both masculine and feminine rage-filled snarls and growls filled the air. Her vision narrowed to the flesh beneath her nails. Screams replaced growls. The rusty scent of steel became the rusty scent of blood.

Her hands grew slick.

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