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Author's Note 12/27/23: Adding a little note here... the spanking scene in this section has raised some concerns and given me a lot of feedback.  When I actually get around to editing this beast, I'll definitely do something with this.  Just wanted to let you know as it's gotten YEARS of comments - which I love reading everyone's takes  - but I just wanted to let you know that I know:) I try to read all the comments and respond, but sometimes they get away from me. I see you though!!!

Selah sat stiffly next to Malcolm as the Alphas scattered to find their mates. Her spine felt like it had a steel pole keeping it straight, and her hands that she'd hidden from the commander's watchful eyes came out from under her thighs where she'd sat on them to form into tightly clenched fists on her lap.

Malcolm's hand had moved from rubbing circles on her lower back to gliding up and down her spine. Selah let the silence build. Malcolm had the patience of a jungle cat. He could wait all night long for a suspect to walk into a trap. It was also one of the traits that made Selah an excellent counselor, but tonight, for the first time, she was the Omega in distress and her patience had long since run dry.

Turning stiffly towards Malcolm while keeping her posture straight, Selah managed to simultaneously dislodge his hand from her back and scoot away from where his legs pressed against her. Unclenching her fists, Selah ran her suddenly damp palms up and down her thighs just needing to move. To have something to do with her hands while she tried to stuff down the rage inside of her.


She focused her stormy blue eyes on her hands seeming hypnotized by the motion.

"Selah." Malcolm tried again keeping his voice level and calm.

Selah ignored him and refused to look at him, but even the measured tone of his voice dug into her skin.

"Omega." Malcolm's voice slipped into that low-pitched Alpha growl that normally crawled into Selah's pussy and made her drip with slick and flooded her psyche with the desire to please her Alpha.

Her pussy soaked for him. She was an Omega. His Omega. She couldn't help that biological reaction any more than someone could keep the sun from rising, but instead of the normal urge to bare her neck and submit that she usually felt with his growl, she lost control of the anger she'd been trying to funnel into something useful.

Selah snapped.

"Omega! Omega? Don't fucking Omega me! You left me. You LEFT me! I have been in hell, Malcolm. Absolute fucking hell while you were what? Hiding out somewhere?" Selah's chest heaved as her breath audibly dragged in and out of her lungs.

Launching herself from the couch, Selah moved to invade Malcolm's space. He was still seated so her head just on the same level as his. Aware, from being an Omega for the last decade and a half, and from her dealings with distressed Alphas and Omegas, that challenging an Alpha directly was akin to waving the proverbial red flag at a bull, but she found she didn't give a flying fuckity fuck.

Her churning emotions were like a boiling vat of hot tar that made her feel like she was being destroyed from the inside out. She had tried to keep them in. To focus on something else and just feel incredibly grateful and lucky that her mate had returned to her.

All she could feel was the rage, hurt, and betrayal.

Broken. She felt broken.

The one constant thing in her world, the one thing that no matter what she could depend on had been brutally ripped from her only to find out that it was a ruse? She understood why they did it. Intellectually, she got it, but the part of her that could analyze, reason and logically solve problems was overrun by the heat of her tangled and twisting emotions.

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