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Alpha? Her purr intensified as Selah heard the creak of the safe room door, and she turned her head to see Malcolm ease into the room. Her skin was hypersensitive and her hair brushing over her back sent tingles down her spine to her pussy.

She moaned as he closed the door behind him, and her Omega side preened when he'd finally stepped fully into the room and spotted her in their nest. She'd seen his eyes go from gray to black as they'd taken in the picture she'd painted for him with her nest and her body.

She had spent their separation creating a safe, soft space for them. Blankets and pillows lined the floors and surrounded the edge of the room. Selah's favorite faux fur blankets in rich jewel tones lined the floor under her bent knees.

Never taking her eyes from Malcolm's face as he stood frozen inside the room's entrance, Selah arched her back and presented her dripping pussy towards her Alpha who was taking in great deep breaths as he scented his mate. She felt the soft fur under her fingers and she purred as she opened her hands and felt the delicious stretch fanning out her digits to rub on the blanket. She curved her spine so that her upper body pressed into the floor, and the softness under her stimulated the tips of her already aching nipples sending a rush of pleasure to her core. Her hips canted up even higher so that her cunt and ass were displayed proudly for her Alpha.

While she had been fixing the nest, she'd felt the tell-tale signs of her heat returning to burn through her pussy. Her thighs were wet with slick when she'd finished fussing with the blankets and pillows, and when she'd heard him coming up the stairs, she'd positioned herself so that her pussy would be the first thing he'd see when he opened the door.

She wasn't yet totally lost to her heat so she hid a small smile as she watched Malcolm forcibly pull himself under control. He leaned over to put down the supplies that he'd brought up from the kitchen taking a moment to grab a few bottles of water and small rectangular package out of one of the bags.

"Sel. God, baby. You're so beautiful," Malcolm purred as moved closer to the nest but didn't actually join her on the blankets. "Did you make this for us, baby girl? Is this perfect nest for us?"

Questions that he already knew the answer to, but her Omega side purred when he waited to be invited into the space she had created. Omegas could be very territorial about their nests depending on where they were in their heat. Malcolm had learned that lesson the hard way, but luckily for him, he'd been a quick study.

"Yes, Alpha," she cooed to him and stretched a hand out to welcome him into the nest.

He knelt down and she took his fingers in hers as he eased into the cozy space she had made for them, "Sel, you need to drink. You need to hydrate, baby, or you'll get sick."

Selah heard his words but what she watched was his eyes. He might be saying that she needed to drink, and he even had the water bottle in hand for her, but his eyes never left the rounded curve of her ass. Since he'd joined her in the nest, he was now at her side and didn't have the view of her wet sex that he'd had before, but his eyes still roamed over her curves. Selah couldn't help but arch a little deeper and shift under his burning gaze.

Her movement was enough to distract him, and he brought his eyes up to meet hers, "Sel. Drink, baby. Drink this for me, and then we'll have our talk. I know you've got questions."

His reasonable tone and the reminder that she needed an explanation about the past month served to bring her hazy thoughts back into a soft focus. The pulses of heat from her core were still there, but she was still coherent and wanted answers. She met his eyes and saw the sincerity in them. Tucking one knee under her belly, Selah shifted her position so that she was laying on her side facing her mate.

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