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Lowering his torso so that Selah's back pressed into the floor, Malcolm rested his weight on his left forearm taking care not to crush her beneath his bulk. Even in rut, an Alpha protected his mate. Using his right hand, he followed her arm up and around his neck to where her hands were clasped together. Wrapping his huge fingers around her delicate wrist, he firmly pulled so that her hands were forced to separate. Her nails scraped across the back of his neck, but he brought her delicate hand across his cheek to his lips. Pressing a kiss into the center of her palm, he brought her arm down by her head and pinned it there. He felt her tense as she tried to free her hand, but she was no match for his strength. It's how it was meant to be. She was his Omega. He was her Alpha. He was stronger than her. She would submit to him.

Keeping her right arm pinned, he repeated the process with her left arm. Once he had both of her hands pressed into the nest, he raised up so that he could meet her blazing blue eyes with his. Her pupils were completely blown out so that only a thin blue band could be seen around the black.

The primal Omega side of her wasn't afraid of him. Selah's rational side wasn't afraid of him either, but she had always been submissive to him. She let him lead her, trusted him to protect her and to make decisions regarding their little family. It had always made him swell with pride that she trusted him with everything. Not every relationship worked the way theirs did, but Selah thrived under Malcolm's dominance, and his heart of soul were dedicated to one purpose - Selah.

This side of Selah though...this primitive, animalistic Omega side always pushed him. Always challenged him. Each of them had a dual nature as part of their dynamic, and most people seemed to be in harmony. He and his Alpha were both dominant personalities. They agreed on pretty much everything when it came to their mate.

Selah, on the other hand, sometimes seemed to be two different people. Selah was bold and adventurous when it come to fucking, and she loved restraints and a little bit of pain with her pleasure. Selah submitted to him without question both in and out of the bedroom. Ironically enough, her Omega side though...she liked to fight back. She liked to make him work for it. Selah told him once that it was almost like the big predator cats; her Omega side wanted him to prove to her that he was the biggest and baddest Alpha.

Her primal Omega didn't come out to play during every heat, but when she did, he often left the nest with scratches and bite marks that had been well earned. If commanded to her knees to suck his cock, Selah would sink to her knees with grace and an open mouth. Selah's Omega would run, make him chase her, and then fight until he fucked her into submission. But once he had proven his ability to subdue her, she would give him a purr of contentment that would sink into his very bones.

Selah met his gaze head on and gave another testing pull on his arms. Her lips pulled up in a delicate, viscous challenge. Malcolm felt her growl vibrate where her breast rubbed against his chest. He let loose his own growl in response. Louder. Deeper. Alpha.

"Stay." Malcolm commanded giving her arms an extra little pressure so that she knew exactly what he meant, "If you want my cock, you'll keep these hands with those fierce claws right where I put them."

He released her wrists and shifted his lower torso so that instead of his cock pressing up against her pussy, he straddled her hips, not entirely trusting her to stay in place. He sat up and watched as her fingers twitched but they stayed where he ordered. She panted but she remained on her back as he brought his hands to his shirt.

Reaching for his shirt buttons, he had no patience for slipping the buttons through the holes. Grasping each side of the lapels, he pulled with a sharp motion causing buttons to fly off and scatter across the room. He watched her eyes go directly to the hot male flesh revealed there, and his Alpha preened under her hot gaze. His mate like what she saw. Her eyes tracked his hands as they first pushed the shirt off his shoulders and then moved to the waistband of his jeans. He unbuttoned his fly and pulled down the zipper working to open it with his hard length putting pressure on the opening.

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