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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Y'all... I am so sorry for the two-month gap. I was working on an omegaverse piece for an anthology, and apparently, I am a one WIP at a time type of writer. I just turned it in, and I am SO EXCITED!! It's my first finished piece that actually has a beginning, middle, and end, AND it's going to be published!!! SQUEEEEEEE!!!! 

 I usually try to respond to every comment, but it kind of got away from me. Thanks for asking for updates, and if you want to leave any love, constructive criticism, or questions in the comments, I'll do my best to answer!

Alpha recognized his mate. He would know her anywhere. Be able to track her by scent alone, but never in all the years of being her mate, dominating her, and earning her submission had he seen this feral side of her outside of a heat. Even in estrous, the primal side of Selah presented a fun and feisty challenge - a "come and take if you can" attitude.

This female? Pure fury pulsed off of her in waves that Malcolm felt in his cock, and her vicious intentions danced across the snarl her beautiful full mouth had curled into. Her blue eyes were icy hot. This Omega wore his mate's face, but the personality shining through them wasn't the warm, compassionate mate he'd known the last decade and a half. He was both incredibly aroused by this bloodthirsty female and furious that she would defy him.

He'd ordered her to run away and instead she'd moved so fast that she appeared to blur. Before he could do more than issue a growl at her disobedience, she was on the Alpha he held on his knees in front of him. Her nails were blunt but that didn't seem to matter as streaks of red flowed over her fingers and splashed onto her naked chest.

This was an Omega female gone feral. Even in his own primal state, he knew to be cautious of his mate. More than once he'd emerged from their mating bearing marks when she was lost to her cycle. But this female who glowed with waves of fury? Enraged? Blood on her hands?

Alpha let his lips tip up in a malevolent smile.

She was amazing.

This asshole deserved everything he had coming to him. If he was too stupid to know that Omegas, especially breeding Omegas, were a force all their own... well, he'd soon learn his lesson.

Alpha's grip on Christoph's head relaxed a little, letting the male lift his head from where Malcolm forced it onto his chest. Christoph tensed his muscles trying to break Alpha's hold on him, but while the other male possessed the typical Alpha size, he wasn't a trained fighter like Malcolm.

He wasn't a mated Alpha male whose mate and newly conceived young were tormented and threatened. He hadn't had to listen to his female's cries and the sounds of her physical abuse. Christoph had no chance of escaping Alpha's hold.

When Christoph's head lifted, Malcolm saw the calculating gaze of his mate shift from the male's chest that was now a mess of ripped furrows to the vulnerable neck and face now exposed to her wrath.

Too fast to see, the Omega whipped her hands forward to dig into the cheeks of the captive male. Christoph's scream this time wasn't one of fury and defiance but fear. Malcolm's enhanced senses had detected the fear-scent of his mate before he'd even entered the warehouse. It had nearly driven him mad. It was something he never wanted to smell again, but the stench coming from the Alpha made his eyes water and his mouth curl in disgust.

Worthless male.

His feral mate growled and her lips curled in pleasure and triumph. More red fluid joined the streaks painting her naked chest to run down over the curve of her breasts and drip onto her still-flat stomach.

Perversely, his cock hardened even more.

Malcolm had thought more than once that Selah's Omega and human natures were two separate entities. This feral creature in front of him proved it. His sweet Selah would never seek her own revenge. Covered in the blood of her enemy, the savage grin on this growling female in front of him reveled in making her foe fear her.

He knew that his own state was heightened and primitive, but Malcolm was the Alpha and the Alpha was Malcolm. This was the most that Malcolm's Alpha had ever taken the wheel so to speak, but they worked together to protect and love their mate. It was one reason a thread of worry made itself known.

The Omega would have no problem killing the Alpha in front of her. Rightfully, Christoph deserved it and she had earned the kill, but the more blood decorated the female, the more Malcolm had one recurring thought.

Selah. How would she handle killing Christoph?

His mate was a nurturer. She took care of those around her. She brought light and happiness. She took broken Omegas and helped them find their way back to joy. He'd seen her take the hand of more than one Omega and provide comfort and love with the simple touch. Those same hands were curled into weapons making blood flow from the male in front of her.

When she came back to her senses, would she be able to forgive herself for taking Christoph's life? Malcolm had killed in the line of duty, but while he could defend those kills, in his heart, he still felt them. Every one of them.

Growling a warning to the bloody, fierce Omega, Malcolm took a few steps backward pulling Christoph's heaving body with him. He couldn't go far with the nearly dead weight of the Alpha in his hold, but he was trying to put a little distance between Selah and her prey.

She paused in surprise, and her head tilted in confusion at his retreat.

Slowly, Malcolm watched her eyes travel down to the bloody Alpha still on his knees and up to meet Malcolm's own stare. He let another warning growl fill the air and twisted his upper body to move Christoph to the side. In her feral state, Omega should interpret the move as his way of claiming the Alpha for himself. 

Mine, his actions would say to her.

Watching her eyes, Malcolm saw when his unspoken declaration registered. Her eyes rounded in surprise before narrowing in anger. When she continued to meet his gaze with naked fury, his own Alpha need to dominate came to the fore.

Did she think to challenge him over the kill?

A menacing low growl rumbled from his throat directed at the Omega.

In ancient times, Omegas were vicious in their own right. Alphas were the primary protectors and defenders of the nest, but hunting often caused them to be away for days at a time. Omegas needed to defend themselves and any young from other predators or Alphas, but Omegas ultimately submitted to their stronger, more dominant mates.

Her growl and posture were the exact opposite of submissive.

Another warning growl and the familiar citrus scent of her arousal shot straight to his cock. Her eyes still glowed with fury, but Alpha also saw fiery heat enter her gaze. His Omega lowered her gaze to the floor, and Malcolm rolled his warning rumble into a purr of approval for her submission.

Confident in her surrender, he turned his attention to the killer hanging limply in his arms.


Omega wasn't just fast. She was sneaky.

From the corner of his eye, he caught her movement too late. A slender arm swung in front of Christoph. Because Malcolm had shifted the other male to the side, Omega's aim was perfect. Her curled fingers grabbed the front of Christoph's throat, gripped the already mangled flesh, and ripped it away. Blood sprayed in an arc from the gaping hole in his neck.

Alpha recognized a mortal wound and dropped Christoph onto the cement floor. The other male landed with a thud, and a pool of crimson spread out from his sprawled form. He didn't move again.

Silver eyes rose to meet the gaze of a tiny Omega female who bounced lightly on her toes. A haughty lift of her chin and a narrowing of icy blue eyes spoke volumes.

Challenge accepted.

Alpha LostDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora