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When Hazel awoke in the uncomfortable hospital bed, the first thought on her mind was to go out hunting for something to eat. Her stomach growled in hunger, and she growled along with it. She attempted to sit up, only for a strong cold hand to push her back down. A smile wormed its way on to Hazel's lips

"You must really want to get out of that bed," Hazel heard a familiar airy giggle that she immediately identified as the one and only Alice Cullen. Hazel opened her green eyes and grinned at the sight of the petite vampire. "Morning, sleepyhead."

"Alice," Hazel breathed, only for her throat to come back burning.  She coughed as a knee-jerk reaction. "Where am I?" She croaked.

"In a hospital room." Alice took a seat in the chair beside Hazel's bed. "You collapsed in the ballet studio, and you've been in and out of consciousness for three days."

"Oh," Hazel said. She turned her gaze to the ceiling. "How's Bella?"

"She's in a worse state than you," Alice answered with a sigh. She pulled a stray curl from Hazel's forehead before continuing. "Broken and punctured leg. Head wound. And then there's that bite from James." Hazel swiveled her head to Alice in alarm. "Edward sucked the venom out of it. She's still a human."

"What about my brother and my mum? What have you told them?"

"I've told them that Bella tripped, and pulled you down with her as she fell down a flight of stairs," Alice replied. Hazel nodded and closed her eyes, feeling a little relaxed. "The doctors told us that you should be able to leave after they run a few more tests."

"How about you, Alice," Hazel asked, keeping her eyes closed. "How are you feeling?"

"Better now that I know you're awake and well." Hazel smiled at that and opened her eyes. Alice gasped when she saw Hazel's usually dark green eyes now contained large flecks of electric blue. "Hazel, what the-"

"I don't know," Hazel admitted with a shrug, blinking so her eyes returned to their normal green. "It showed up when I was thirteen. My powers."

"You should tell the others," Alice gaped, still shocked. She stood from her chair and began pacing the small room. "Maybe we can help you control... whatever that was."

Hazel watched on with a smile tugging on her lips. "I will. Don't worry, Alice."

"Okay," Alice sighed. "I better get the doctor now. The sooner you get out, the sooner you can get home."

When Alice puled up in Rosalie's red car, Jasper was the first one out the door to greet the two. Hazel and Alice had to leave Bella and Edward back at the hospital in Phoenix, which Hazel felt bad about. But it was only until Bella was given the all-clear.

"Alice! Hazel!" The honey blonde practically ran up to the girls, immediately engulfing them in a hug. Hazel immediately noticed that he was tense as soon as he touched her."Thank God you're okay." The rest of the Cullens emerged from the home.

"Hazelnut! You're not dead!" Hazel just laughed at Emmett's comment and nodded at the boy.

"I wish I was," she groaned, pulling from Alice and Jasper. "My entire body is in pain."

"The anesthesia wore off much too quickly for her liking," Alice told them, grinning humorously.

"It's really great to be back here, though," Hazel smiled. She walked towards the group of vampires, and Esme gladly closed the gap by giving her a hug. "I feel like I've missed so much."

"The only thing you've missed is Jasper's complaining," Emmett cackled, ruffling his brother's curled locks. "He was all 'I wonder when they will come back', 'I hope Hazel gets better soon', 'where's Alice when you need her'."

"Shut up, Emmett," Jasper growled, punching the boy's arm. Hazel couldn't help but giggle.

"At least you got back in time for one of Alice's special shopping trips," Rosalie huffed. Then she smiled, only the slightest rise in the corner of her mouth, and aid to Hazel, "welcome back."

"Thanks, Rosalie," Hazel smiled in return. Then her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What do mean Alice has organized another shopping trip?" She looked to Alice hoping for an answer, only to received a glare that Alice was shooting directly at Rosalie.

"Alice didn't ask you yet?" Esme inquired. Hazel shook her head, becoming even more confused.

"I told you I wanted to ask her after she got back!" Alice groaned. "You guy only listen when I have a vision, I swear." She rolled her eyes.

"We're sorry, Alice, " Carlisle apologized. He smiled softly at her in apology.

"What did you want to ask me?" Hazel questioned, spinning back to look at Alice and Jasper.

"I guess I better say it now," Alice sighed. She turned to Hazel and walked closer, grabbing her hands as soon as they were in reach. She gazed into Hazel's green eyes with her own butterscotch ones. "Hazel, would you do the honor of going to prom with Jasper and me?"

"Way to make it sound like a marriage proposal, Alice," Rosalie commented. "Come on, we should give them some privacy ." Rosalie tugged Emmett inside. Carlisle and Esme followed hurriedly.

Hazel watched the couples leave before turning back to the brunette and honey blonde. "How could I say no to that?" She grinned. Alice squealed, pulling the girl in for a hug.

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