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After the school bell rang, signaling the end of the day, Hazel walked with her other two closest friends, Minnie and Victor. They gleefully chatted with one another as they navigated the halls. Their topic for today: Hazel's Home Ec assignment partner, Alice Cullen.

"Honestly, you're so lucky!" Minnie gushed. "What if you two end up together?" Victor playfully whacked her arm.

"This isn't some shitty cliche fanfiction, Minnie." Hazel rolled her eyes. "And anyway, Alice has her boyfriend, Jasper." Minnie pouted at her.

"You need to be less pessimistic," Minne instructed, "have faith. Eventually, it'll all happen the way it should."

"Hazel's not a home-wrecker," Victor interjected, standing up for his female friend. Hazel thanked him and he turned his face away, hiding the blush dusting his cheeks. Victor grinned, proud of himself.

As the trio strode outside, Hazel's eyes promptly scanned the parking lot. Her eyes stopped on a familiar pair of flawless, pale individuals, specifically, the girl with a brunette pixie cut. Alice Cullen was talking animatedly to her familiar blonde boyfriend. As if sensing her, Alice turned and looked directly at Hazel. She gave her a friendly grin and waved her over.

"I have to go, you guys," Hazel declared, turning back to Minnie and Victor. "I'll text you later, okay?" Victor nodded, but Minnie stood transfixed on the Cullen siblings to notice anything else. Victor whacked her as Hazel left, the pair of her friends then watching her go.

"Hazel!" Alice addressed, her usual upbeat attitude shining through. Hazel noticed her holding the baby tightly to her chest. "I told Emmett to go home with Rosalie in her car because she didn't have enough seats, so we're going to ride with Jasper. Is that okay?" Hazel nodded in response. "You don't really talk much," Alice noted, then gasped. "I didn't even introduce you two. Hazel, this is Jasper, Jasper, Hazel."

"Hi," Hazel smiled awkwardly at the taller, leaner boy.

"Hello," he responded. He seemed to force a painful smile at the girl. Hazel noticed the twinge of a southern accent on his voice.

The three climbed into Jasper's Jeep. Hazel sat in the back, forced to cradle the robotic baby in her arms that Alice had been holding. Alice sat up the front with Jasper. The girl in the back noticed the couple acting as though they were having a serious debate, but when she strained her ears, Hazel couldn't hear a peep.

"Do you have any pets, Hazel?" Alice inquired after a small while.

"We own a Bearded Dragon and a Corn Snake," Hazel answered. She felt slightly shy about telling the pair about her reptiles. Most times, people would react negatively when she told them, but the two didn't seem bothered by it.

"That's so cool!" Alice gushed. "I'd be afraid the snake would bite me, though," Alice frowned. Hazel couldn't help but chuckle. "What is it?"

"If our snake doesn't like you, or if it's hungry, it usually lunges when someone's there," Hazel chuckled, "but it forgets that it's in an enclosure, so all people see is the inside of its mouth when they walk past." Alice can't help but let a little giggle slip from her lips. 

"We don't have any pets," Alice pouted. "Our Mum, Esme, really doesn't like messes."

"Aw, that's too bad. Pets can really benefit people's emotional and mental state." Hazel turned red as she blurted the sentence out. Alice was just glad the girl seemed to open up more. "If you could have a pet, what do you think you'd get?"

"Maybe a bird," Alice answered after a moment's consideration, "or a cat. What about you, Jas?"

"A cat would be pleasant," Jasper Cullen answered after a few seconds like he almost didn't want to speak. Hazel had honestly forgotten the boy was in the car. She noticed how uncomfortable he seemed. How stiff and rigid his entire body was.  "They sleep most of the day away." He added.

The two girls continued to chat as Jasper drove. The blonde sometimes added in his own thoughts and opinions when necessary. When they arrived at the Cullen's household, Hazel hadn't even noticed until Jasper pulled up the hand brake. She'd been so enraptured in her conversation with Alice. The three jumped out from the Jeep, each grabbing their bag, and Hazel still holding the baby. One look at the house was all it took for Hazel to drop her jaw.

"Do you like it?" Alice teased, hooking her arm with Hazel's and dragging her inside. Even Alice's long sleeves didn't stop the cold of Alice's skin from reaching Hazel.

Hazel continued to gaze at it for a few more moments before nodding. It was tall and practically every wall was a large window. The entire home had an ultra-modern feel to it.  It completely took Hazel's breath away. 

Alice dragged the curly-haired girl inside. Hazel was even more in love with the interior. There were beautiful plants, exquisite artworks and expensive-looking vases littered everywhere she could see. It seemed cluttered, but it made the place feel as though it had more space and made it much homier. The three sauntered upstairs after taking off their jackets and shoes off. As they walked, Hazel made sure she examined everything she could lay her eyes on.

"That's a family thing," Alice explained when Hazel pointed at the graduation cap display which was on the wall.

Awkwardly, Hazel continued to follow Jasper upstairs. She was even more ready to see the rest of the Cullen household, but she didn't want to appear strange. The entire situation made her heart thump with anticipation and anxiety.

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