Chapter 12: Christmas Morning

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(Willa's POV)

I awoke with a start and my head was throbbing a little. Shaking it off, I walked to the bathroom and jumped when I saw my reflection, it was strange seeing myself like this. After I brushed my hair, I walked to the kitchen and grabbed the ingredients for pancakes. My memory was a little foggy because of being in the nightmare realm for so long, and since it had been so long since retaining a human form, I was already getting exhausted from holding for so long. Soon, the pancakes were done, and I had them on neat stacks and I added small holiday decorations on top. Looking around the old familiar living room, I noticed a tree without a lot of presents underneath. I quickly conjured a few gifts and sent them under the tree right as Bill walked out, yawning.

"Morning Bill!" I chirped.

"Hm? Oh, morning Sis."

Soon, the other two came out of their rooms and sat down and we ate.

"I've missed your cooking Willa," Kill said, in between mouthfuls.

"I'm flattered. Didn't you guys cook?" I asked, spreading some syrup on a pancake.

"Well, Ash did, but she wasn't as good as this," Kill explained, Bill shot him a dirty look.

"But she was still really good!" Will exclaimed, breaking the tension from Bill and Kill.

"Ah, I see. Well, it's rather odd to be cooking again... and to be relaxed... I didn't exactly receive a warm welcome in the Realm."

Bill looked up confused, "Didn't you used to rule it?"

"You mean before you took it over? Yes, but they answer to you now Bill, I have no place of power amidst them," I sighed, and grabbed some strawberries that I dusted with sugar.

"Oh... sorry about that," Bill said, deflated.

"Don't be, I hated ruling that place, even when I was in charge, I hardly had any grip on them, unlike you. They like you."

"That's only because I was bloodthirsty and cruel."

"They still prefer you over me."

"H-how did you get out of the Realm again?" Will asked.

"Oh, well... I'm not entirely sure... My memory is a bit foggy. Everything within the past month is sort of a blur."

"You lost your memories?" Bill inquired.

"I'm not sure if I lost them per say, but it is a bit foggy. Even now..." I trailed off, I don't need to concern my brothers.

"Even now...?" Kill said, wanting more information.

"Even now, I am getting over jet lag. It's weird being back in the mortal realm," I stated, with a smile, hopefully that will satisfy their answer.

My brothers nod a little with my answer, then Kill whips around, "Did you get us presents?"

I giggled, "Yes... you can go open them. If we're all finished, I'll wash the dishes."

"I'll help!" Will stood up and started grabbing plates and silverware as the other two rushed to the tree.

I chuckled a little, "Just like children," I muttered.

"Uhm... Willa? We didn't get you anything..." Will said sadly.

"Pssh, Will, don't worry about that. I don't need anything; besides I already got my present and that is being here with you three," I smiled and brushed a small tear from Will's cheek.

"Hurry up! I want to open presents," Kill complained.

I rolled my eyes and snapped my fingers and the dishes were clean and food put away. Will and I joined Kill and Bill near the tree, and I turned the TV on to the fireplace channel. Bill opened his presents first, then Kill, then Will. I was running a bit low on creative juice this morning, so I got all three a Christmas sweater with their respective colors. They all hugged me and opened their presents from each other and from some of their friends. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Will opened the door and Violetta was there. He hugged her and invited her inside.

"Willa... it's great to see you again," she smiled.

"Likewise, here I got you something," I handed her a small bag.

"You didn't have to! You haven't been here long!"

I shrugged and watched as she opened the gift from me, inside was a small bag of snowman shaped candies. I came up with them last minute, so here's hoping they taste alright... The boys all went and got changed into their Christmas sweater and I changed into my top to a galaxy colored sweater to match my hair, which I tied up in a bun. We all talked for a bit, when I remembered the Pines'.

"I need to see the Pines'..." I stated, standing up.

"We'll go with you, make a day out of it," Bill exclaimed as he stood, "I also need to see Ashley.

So, we all left the apartment and headed for the Mystery Shack.

A/N: Wow... it has been so long. July 1, was the last update. I am so sorry for taking forever, if you have seen my announcements, I was having REALLY bad writer's block, but that is now over (hopefully) and I will post more stuff soon. If you guys want a Q&A or if you questions for me, please feel free to comment or message me, I am happy to answer any questions. Thanks!

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