Chapter 8: Falling Apart

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"Alright, Broken Heart."

"Don't call me that."

"Alright... Tamma... listen, we may need to get a Cipher Wheel together again so we can summon Willa.... or something like that."

Tamma rubbed her temples, she does that a lot.

"Wouldn't that banish her again or something? How do you summon a demon?"

"Well... each demon is different, and we need your expertise in a library because... well, my brothers can't find the book with our power. She probably blocked it or something a while ago and we can't find it, but we do know it is in Gravity Falls."

"Okay... well... who summoned her last? Ask them, not me," Tamma crossed her arms.

I rubbed the back of my neck, "Well, that was.... oof, uhm, four hundred years ago? They are... most definitely dead."

Tamma's eyes widened, "How does that even work? I-I, What? h-how?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "She hid from the world after her ex broke her heart... or well, Bill locked her away. Long story. Anyways, we need your help."

"UGH! Fine!"

Tamma stormed down the hallway and came back with her purse and small cap.

"You coming?' she snapped as she stormed out the door.

"Yup!" I ran after Tamma and we headed to the library.


"Ugh, are you done yet?" I asked as I poked a book with my finger.

The twins and Tamma were pouring over tons of books and it was exhausting me to watch them, I needed a fight, or a coffee, or something.

"It would go a lot faster if you helped, Red Eye."

I smirked at Tamma's little insult. Adorable really that she would think that insult would actually insult me. Please.

"That's funny... Broken Heart."

No reaction. WHAT?!

"I said that's funny... Tammy!"

Still nothing. Is that old dusty... relic really more interesting than me? Ugh, I need attention, now before I lose it!

I reached over and went for her book.


I just... got upper cut.... by... a nerd. What dimension is this?! It's a nightmare!

"OW! HOLY F-!"

"Hot Belgium waffles!!!!" Dipper and Mabel exclaim before I can finish the mother of all curses.

I growl at the two and the three go back to reading, however, Tamma looks up and raises an eyebrow.

"Take note, Kill, do NOT take a book from a book worm. It will land you in a world of hurt."

"Noted..." I said breathlessly as I rubbed my jaw, that... actually hurt.

(Bill's POV)

Hmph. I am so bored. So bored.

"Ash!" I call.

"Yes, Bill?" my girlfriend responds next to me, knitting.

"I need attention."

I plop my head in her lap and she giggles and runs her hand through my hair, abandoning her knitting.

"Are you okay, Bill?" she asks quietly.

"Pssh, yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

She is catching on. Quick. Ashley can't see through me, I hope. She can't. I won't let her.

"It's just... been, you know, six months since your twin went missing. I know Kill and Will have talked about their feelings, but you haven't."

"I know how long it's been," I bite my lip, "And I am dealing with it, so you don't need to worry, Love."

Ashley smiles down at me as she continues to pet my hair.

"But I will. I care about you."

Her name flashes in my memory. Willa. I sit up straight, startling Ashley.

"B-Bill?!? What's wrong?"

"Everything! AUGH I knew getting too close to you was dangerous! You've acted more like my sister than my girlfriend!"

Ashley was on her feet and was in a defensive pose and I paced the floor.

"Because you treat me like your sister! I'm really the only one here who cooks and cleans and I am basically a THERAPIST for YOU all and... you know, I'm done. I am going to stay with my cousin. Merry Christmas, Bill."

Ashley ran into our room and grabbed her bag and everything and stormed out as I stood there like an idiot.

Miracle Twins (Sequel to The Other Twin)Where stories live. Discover now